I’m in my 40’s. I finally started walking for almost a year. I started in September~ish 2022


New member
The weather had been extremely hot plus humidity plus some smoke from Canada. The smoke isn’t that bad around here but I do have asthma and I prefer not to risk it. I just recently joined YMCA. I just don’t want to stick with typical treadmill. Although, it’s only thing I know how. I’m use to stick with comfort zone, maybe because I’m autistic. I don’t know how to use other equipments or which is best to use. I feel overwhelmed by looking at these equipments. I do feel intimidated these equipments. I want to try to get out of comfort zone…. One at a time!!!! Again I don’t want to overwhelm myself. I lost 68lbs by walking. I have about 30 more lbs to loose. Problem is that I need to loose upper part of my body. I already had skinny legs. Any suggestions or advice? Please don’t overwhelm me with too many lists. I’ll shut down if it does. Thank you in advance!
Problem is that I need to loose upper part of my body

Good and bad news. Bad news - you can't "spot reduce" fat by working out that body part more. Fat comes off the body the same no matter what you're doing. Good news - This means that you don't have to come out of your comfort zone to keep losing weight. You just have to keep going.

All that being said... if you want to start using the machines, but are overwhelmed, just go in for your usual walk on your regular days. When you're done walking, just pick 1 machine and try it. No pressure to perform well or lift the right amount. Just try the machine with no weight. Get comfortable with the movement and then add some weight when you feel comfortable. When you eventually get used to that - add another machine the same way. There is no rush or hurry. Take your time and progress when you want.

Best of luck!
@miljana93 Check with the Ymca front desk. My Ymca membership (in Canada) includes one hour session with a trainer every quarter. You can also pay for sessions. It's a great way to learn how to use proper form and they'll give you a routine to follow.

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