I’m over 30, and actually think I’m made of glass


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31M, and I’ve just started working out again. I’ve had surgery on elbow a few years back. I’ve noticed that my elbow pops on bench press at the bottom position. Any mods I could do to fix this?

Update: I changed my warm up today and moved to the dumb bell bench. I felt like a new born fawn learning how to walk. I’m looking forward to learning new things!
@goodbookguy Dumbbell is generally accepted as just as good or better until you get to weights that become impractical to do with dumbbells.

Give it a shot. Dumbbells can take you really far if you have access to the heavier ones.
@kaye1979 I get WAY more connection with the muscle using dumbells. I work out at Planet Fitness with no free barbells so maybe that is the reason. I don't think the Smith machine works my pecs any near as well as dumbells.
@goodbookguy Additionally if you try to do more full range of motion with a slowed concentric that should help more too. You'll basically be milking more out of each rep so you won't have to use the joint as much.
@goodbookguy are we talking flat barbell bench ?

i went to flat dumbbell press and incline barbell press around 35 years old and have much less elbow and shoulder pain these days. heavy flat barbell press is a young man’s game.
@blacknbluextian I still heavy flat barbell bench (46m, 335lb bench) but it’s a session every 10-14 days vs young me benching every other day. The shoulders can’t do too much of that motion any more.
@sergyi yeah i hear you. obviously if you still can, you should. i’ve found (42M) the pain vs reward/benefit isn’t there for me anymore, wish it wasn’t that way. both my father and grandfather had double shoulder replacements so i’m trying to avoid that as long as i can lol
@goodbookguy I wouldn't worry about it if there's no pain. Bodies/joint make noise. You might want to try a longer warm up or something but popping alone isn't enough to raise a real alarm
@goodbookguy You are saying bench press and I think we all assume you mean free barbell bench and not any sort of machine.

So bench press with free weights would be closer to your natural joint movement than a machine. Dumbell Bench even more so.

Honestly, I prefer dumbbell bench...but I'm nearly 50 so I have lots of creaky joints....
@goodbookguy On top of the change in warmup, as mentioned by a commenter below, I would recommend learning to increase your load without increasing the weight on the bar. Lower the weight that you use and focus on the eccentric portion of the lift for 2-4 seconds per rep, stopping at the bottom for a nice stretch and not fully locking out at the top. Do this for higher reps. This will light your tits up, but is less stressful on the joints due to the lower weight.
@goodbookguy Don't be afraid to go lighter. Sometimes your connective tissue needs to catch up even though your muscles can do the weights. At least this is how it's been in my experience.
@goodbookguy Some good thoughts here, I have two additional for whatever they are worth:
  1. I’m not sure at what rep range you are working in but there is validity to lightening up and eliminating any momentum. I think that could avoid your problem and if you are actually going slow enough to gain no benefit from momentum you’ll be able to fatigue the muscle
  2. Bands might be pretty ideal for your situation. (There are systems like https://www.jaquishbiomedical.com/x3-bar/ and https://harambesystem.com/ and related products like https://clenchfitness.com/) but the reason I’m thinking about them is just because of how the resistance is the lowest at the bottom position.