I’m so discouraged :/ last week on my weekly weigh in I was 122.4 and now I’m back to where I started 3 weeks ago, 125.4 (5’2”)


New member
I know the answer why I gained the weight back, because I went out to eat a lot with my friends this past week because I had a lot of birthday dinner / celebrations. But it really sucks because I’ve been working out almost every day on the peloton and doing yoga which is my favorite two ways to workout. I know working out won’t fix a diet but it’s so frustrating, I only lose weight when I meal prep every day and have my specific meals I follow and know the macros on. Ugh I’m just so discouraged. Back to the start again :( my goal weight is 118 btw
@adriana28 3 lbs x 3500 calories would be 10,500 extra calories. I highly doubt you ate that much. It is probably water weight due to extra salt or even you menstrual cycle.
@zvikisum I didn’t know that’s how it works, but you are totally right. There’s no way, I probably ate only 1k extra calories each day. I’m not on my period rn but the extra salt makes sense because my big meals I had were Asian food. Last night before bed I looked so bloated, I also have IBS. this morning the bloat went away for the most part.
@adriana28 You don’t have to be on your period itself for your cycle to affect things. Some people bloat around ovulation. Your hunger and calorie needs can be different at different points as well. Hormones do all sorts of different things at different times.
@adriana28 Did you only weigh yourself once? My weight fluctuates around 3 pounds based on when I weigh myself. Yesterday I didn't eat much and was 132 and then this morning I was a little bloated and was 135. It's important to look at averages because water weight actually makes a pretty big difference.
@adriana28 When attempting weight loss, my doctor recommended weighing every day, at the same time, on the same scale. I try to do this even when I'm not actively trying to lose weight. It's really helpful to stay on track. Also, I agree with what previous commenters said about salt. Since I weigh every day, I can say that I notice a very clear difference when I eat lots of salty foods, even if I'm staying within my calorie budget. When I eat a very salty meal, I weigh a couple pounds more the next day. Which makes sense, because when I eat salty meal I'm also super thirsty afterwards. And salt causes water retention, so all that extra water I drank is being held. Pick up a gallon of water, it's so heavy! It definitely adds weight.
@johnemmett Yes!! I started taking the average weight over 7days and it made me feel a lot better! Now I weigh in daily. If you're up one day you can usually attribute it to water retention (maybe you worked out) or you had a carby meal. But it always levels out when I'm consistent with diet and exercise.
@adriana28 Girl girl I don’t even weigh myself anymore. I remember I was 115 and now im around 119-120 but I fit my clothes better than back then bc I’m more toned and probs have less fat. I am less stressed bc I don’t weigh anymore. I think ur at a height and weight where u can stop weighing urself and think about how u feel and look and workout and eat well. Eat more protein! And if there are days u fuck up w eating, it’s fine , just ease into eating healthy again and drink a lot of water. I fluctuate in weight a lot too and I get bloated as hell but I just try not to let it discourage me. GOODLUCK!
@sraweber369 Thank you I really appreciate it! I have been focusing on adding more protein to my diet because I get hungry a lot in between meals and protein is very helpful to satiate hunger. I think if I stick to these habits in a few months I will see progress!
@adriana28 Gl! It was a while before I saw much. I’ve been slacking on working out these days but I try to go gym 2-3 a week and have been for I think 5 monthsish now on and off :,) also I’m the same weight as u so I feel like we r in very similar places. Remember ur supposed to eat 1g/lb of weight u are so try to am flr at least 100g of protein. I probably never reach it but it would be good for toning any gaining muscle mass!
@sraweber369 Girl i am just like you. I stopped weighing myself completely. Last time i weighed myself i was like 130lbs 2yrs ago but idk anymore. I couldve gained or lost weight 🤷 i know i can lift more weight at the gym and that i can see toning on muscles on certain parts of my body - that is all i need.

i realized the number on the scale was affecting my mental health so much it just made sense to cut it out. Im glad i did lol.
@adriana28 Totally sympathize. I'm 5' and started at 130 (post-Christmas) and dropped to 121 (my goal was 119) and I fluctuate between 123-124 basically if I'm not watching my diet. Then I lose it once I cut out booze and salty foods.

I'd just focus on what you're doing (my thing is weight lifting and bike riding) and cut out the insane food for a few days and I'm sure you'll be back on it.

I also have IBS and I skip my period, but, I'm 41 and I know I'll never be as skinny as I was when I was 20 :)

You got this!!!
@badue twins I have IBS too! Lol unfortunately :/ but I’m glad to know others are in the same boat. Also when I drink a lot it also makes my weight go up a lot. This was very encouraging thank you
@adriana28 My weight fluctuates allll the time girl, it’s water weight! No worries at all. I weigh 120 but if I drink and eat salty foods I will weigh 123 the next day. It would take a lot for you to gain 3 lbs in a few weeks. You would have to be eating about 3,000 calories more on top of your regular deficit to gain a pound of fat.

I suggest finding other way to measure your progress other than the scale, e.g., how your clothes fit. I became very attached to the scale at one point in my life and it wasn’t fun for me or anyone else! It can become so obsessive. Just stay the course, you’re doing great!
@marco71 Thanks, you’re totally right it just has to be water weight. I’m not totally mad with how my clothes fit but I want them to fit better (like I’m so close 😔) so that is the goal over the weight. I need to not be attached to the scale.
@adriana28 Yes, and please try not to put so much pressure on yourself and just enjoy the journey. At times I get so bogged down with the end goal (weight on the scale) that I forget to enjoy what’s happening in the present moment. I forget that my body can do amazing things and how fortunate I am to be strong and healthy. Remind yourself of that. I hope this helps!