I’m so tired of hearing “it’s not like they’re going to the games...”


New member
I dunno about you but I’m getting pretty damn tired of hearing people in person and on here saying dumb shit like “it doesn’t matter, it’s not like they’re going to the games” in reference to people cheating or not hitting movement standards etc. during the open workouts.


If it doesn’t matter then don’t sign up for a competition that has rules and standards for a reason. If you can’t hold the standard then don’t sign up. The same people making these excuses are the same people shaving reps in class and cheating their way through everything in life.

Stop trying to bullshit everybody and hold yourself and those around you to a higher standard.

-Coach Sean

Edit: if this post offends you or you downvote this post it’s probably because you’re one of these people I’m talking about. 😉
@devonian I had this guy that kept “giving” me reps on 19.2, (my double unders are hilariously bad) and I’m here in my mind knowing I’m at 12 and he says 28. I tried to tell him twice I’m at 12 or 18, kept doing it, so I said screw it continued on and threw out the score. Cheat all you want but don’t make me cheat. I know I suck I want to know my true score. Ended up redoing it though and finally got that double under rhythm. So that was nice at least
@ericak101 I had a similar incident today.

After my first (and by first I mean FIRST EVER) HSPU I kept no-repping.

He was like you’re at 9. I was like PSYCH! He just didn’t quite understand i don’t think. Hahaha

*Definitely came here to flex my first HSPU.
@ericak101 This happened to me in 19.2. He tried to give me TTB that I didn’t get and at one point I just snapped at him “no!”

I just no repped myself and went to the right number. It really annoyed me because I knew then that some of our rep shavers at the gym might bump ahead of me on the leaderboard:/ Oh well
@ericak101 I had a bad judge on 18.4, giving me hspu I didn't deserve. Took me 2 more attempts to "earn" that original score. I could rest easy after though, so it was worth it. :)
I know I suck I want to know my true score


It then just messes with your head later on when you go to repeat that workout and think that you haven't improved because you're comparing 20 shitty reps to 20 good reps.
@ericak101 I was pretty pissed my judge no-repped my first hspu because I didn't crane my neck out past my shoulders, because apparently that's part of the standard.

No, it's not good enough that you started locked out in good position and maintained that throughout the whole movement. You've gotta stick your neck out to somehow make certain you've got shoulder opening, instead of y'know, seeing that their shoulders are opened.
@megahunky Because English makes no sense. Seriously, I feel so bad for anyone trying learn our language. Spanish is a thousand times more consistent and logical, which is why it takes about 1/5 as long to learn as English.
@megahunky Sean is a Gaelic Irish name and usually has a little dash called a fada over the a as in Seán when written in Gaelic. That fada makes the a have an”aw” sound. Likely that the fada was dropped when writing it in English.
@devonian Sean is an Irish name and is (originally) spelt with a fada on the a, Seán. The fada puts the emphasis on that letter, an aw sound.

Dean is an English name, no fada, different language, different pronunciation.

Funnily if the fada is on the e it's an a sound. Séan would sound more like Shane. Way less common though