I’m so tired of hearing “it’s not like they’re going to the games...”

@devonian Had to no-rep a relatively new athlete at my gym, hated doing it, but standards are there so that next time when/if it comes back they know how to get those standards and don't short change it in the mean time. Of course they weren't games ready, but better form/completion is better for them in the long-run
@devonian Hitting movement standards has always been so ingrained in me and it's something I try to take to every workout

I get that some people can't hit standards, but they shouldn't he scored as if they did in a contest with real standards set forth
@devonian They may not be going to the games but they are cheating other legit athletes out of points and changing the leaderboard standings. Every point matters for age group qualifiers so it does matter. I’m under no illusion that I’m an elite athlete but I would like a fair shot at proving I have earned a spot in the top 200 age qualifier.
@devonian You dying bruh? Who cares who put what anywhere. Just do what's best for you. IDC if anybody puts their name next to mine. Or whether I put my name next to theirs. Do you even lift bruh. Or do you just complain. As long as person x is moving and being active and not sitting on the couch eating TV dinners watching the Kardashian they're winning. That's all that matters. You sound hurt
@devonian Like any community i find there is a mix of people.. as my gym we have some that are a little loose, stepped on the line for your lunges? Close enough!.. and others who will call their own no reps.

We have a stunning example of an athlete that is likely Games bound whose judge called her reps good, they weren't confident and went to the extent of sending the video to 4 coaches including one at another gym for a second opinion. One of them said she should redo so she did (her score happened to improve, so i guess added bonus).

Anyway, i guess I'm saying there is good and bad, and nothing you can do about it except let it upset you.