I’m tired of juggling everything and I’m completely burnt out


New member
You want to lose weight? Well, okay, first start by exercising! Oh but wait, you also need to exercise hard enough to build muscle! So you need to push yourself to failure! 6-12 reps every set! Wait, you’re doing that exercise? No you need to do these exercises so you target every muscle effectively! Don’t know which exercises? RESEARCH IT, duh?

You’re not eating enough protein? Eat your protein! Not sure how? Track it! Wait, track your calories too! 300-500 less than your TDEE!

Drink enough water! 8 cups a day! Eat healthy, eat clean, eat right! NO EXCUSES.

You’re not sleeping enough? 8 hours a day is great but any less and your gains won’t be there. DONT STRESS OUT. You’ll have days where sleep is nonexistent. TRY NOT TO STRESS OUT.

What? You’re only walking 3k steps a day because your job doesn’t allow you to be as active? Um, you need to walk more. 10k-12l steps and NO LESS!

On top of that you need to be consistent! Go to the gym when you’re tired, if you don’t, surely you’re not trying!

Sorry, you only loss 1lb after all of that? Then you have to be doing something wrong. Are you sure you’re doing enough?
@eternum I've seen some people here losing at like 1800 calories or more every day. I don't know how they got all that time to be THAT active. I thought about getting more active by adding 30 min walk couple days a week, but still finding it hard to squeeze it in.
@fadeaway It’s a case of doing too much at the same time. It’s no wonder you are overwhelmed especially if you are studying or working as well. It’s always good to slow down and do a reset.

Generally you should always get your diet in check first. You get your diet down and are eating enough protein. Once you are confident in your diet, You can start introducing exercises in slow steady steps.

I used to think I can do everything and ended up really fatigue. My diet was in so much deficit and I was trying to box too much. It only caused me to be lethargic and I became underweight. In the end it was not worth it.
@meteorstorm This is great advice! I agree with this too. I lost a lot of weight but in a healthy way and it was by tackling things a bit at a time. I read the book Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg and it really helped me structure my day. It’s easy to get overwhelmed but it helps if you slowly put together a routine. I also like to compartmentalize my schedule so it allows me to be flexible and swap things when needed. As someone with ADHD it’s easy to get into an all or nothing mentality which is unhealthy. Getting into the habit of breaking things down is super helpful. We also must all remember that there’s nothing wrong with “good enough” attempts. Not everything has to be done at 100%. Good health is not a race, you can breathe and take your time getting there as long as you’re still putting in some work to get there.
@fadeaway I feel this so hard right now. I work a remote job, am a grad student, and finding time to work out (even just getting enough steps in), plan healthy meals, and get enough sleep feels impossible. If I can manage it, then I’m neglecting my relationships and social life. I’m tired lol
@dawn16 I’ve been on like 3 dates this year lol. Literally given up on that. I moved to a new city for grad school and know no one here so if I don’t try to make some friends I would never interact with people so I really don’t want to ignore socializing completely.
@themutebassplayer Yeah I hear ya. You do the math and the time horizon just feels so long sometimes, but in the grand scheme of things it's actually not, just feels very long lol

I dunno about your height or anything but I can do .8lb a week with just diet and 3 weight lifting sessions (though I call it .6lb to be safe, but math works out to .8). I should also add that the nature of my job determines that I'm very sedentary outside of my lifting sessions with 3k steps if I work from home and maybe 5-6k in office. I was calculating if I add a 30 min walk for 5 days a week, I can hit 1lb. I'd imagine if you like high intensity cardio you could maybe go slightly above 1lb, but ain't gonna be much more (but tall people can only lose 1-2lb a week too so I guess slightly above 1lb is not bad at all). The easiest way is to eat less but you hit a limit quickly which is the point you trying to make I think. The bright side is a few lbs makes a bigger difference on small ppl 😂