I am no where near touching my toes. Horrible flexibility. Please help


New member
I need a guideline of what I can do in order to be able to touch my toes. A day by day guide and the exact body exercises and stretches if you will.

I grew up on the computer, and now I work at a computer. I feel doomed.

this is me making an honest effort.
@arc90901 You have to stretch every day. Every. Single. Day. Don't let yourself go to bed at night without stretching, you can do a full body stretch in about 15 minutes, hold each position for 30 seconds when you start. Don't stretch until you are in agony. If you miss a day don't get discouraged - try again tomorrow. Don't ask people how long it will take to start getting more flexible, only you can find that out by actually stretching.

If you want more info read this article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3273886/
@cdg93 Former College punter here, we were always taught that it’s like brushing your teeth, but for your whole body. If you miss a day then you won’t die, by your body will fill up with crud.

Now being an adult, I try to stretch everyday after a workout/jog and notice a huge difference on days off.
@sheenwatson Discomfort when stretching is completely normal. Stretching to the point of pain is actually counterproductive on the other hand because your body will limit your range of motion to counteract it. (That's probably a gross oversimplification but it's something along these lines. Source: OG2)
@sheenwatson I thought they meant don't stretch until you are IN agony. I am pretty sleep deprived at the moment also so that could be the reason for my confusion.
@deebra Correct. The first time I read it to mean “wait until you are in agony before starting to stretch”, however the intent is “don’t stretch so far that you hurt yourself”
@cdg93 This.

I stopped stretching for a couple years and came back to “barely reaching my knees”.

What worked for me (every single day):
Feet shoulder-width apart (or any otherwise stable degree of separation). Then bend forward and reach as far as painlessly possible. You should feel a stretch, no pain.

Then, in this position, let the head “hang”, and slowly put hands over head (trying to keep hands and arms as relaxed as possible), letting the column stretch and decompressing the neck (I usually hear a “pop” from my neck at this point as vertebrae align).

Then once more reach as far as painlessly possible, then slowly roll back up.

Everything should be painless STOP IF YOU FEEL PAIN

Edit: at some point I was able to touch the floor, when that point came I started bringing my legs closer so now I can touch the floor with my legs together AND touch my forehead to my knees. I’m a bit overweight but I’m proud of being able to do this.
@arc90901 Start doing yoga. The flexibility will come with time. You will likely see pretty quick improvements at first. I recommend go to your local yoga studio, or check out “yoga with Adriene” on YouTube.
@olabisi Seconded. Broke my neck in HS and since then have shitty mobility in my neck. Her shoulders/neck routine is necessary for my daily life
@goddey Her yoga for depression is my lifeline right now. She's a really great instructor, I love how she explains alternatives for different levels and is super encouraging to beginners.