@reneaz First, dont listen to any advice here! If one thing I learned is that people knows almost nothing about everything.
For nutrition advice consult a nutrition expert. Nobody knows how much protein you need. Everyone you ask will tell you something different.
For me the best way to get protein is from plants (soy, beans, lentils, nuts etc.) There are protein in every food. For every protein you get 4 calories. So yes you can get fat from proteins.
If I were to listen to some advice under here i would get fat and sick. Some actually recommend you eat around 300 gram of protein per Day! That is like 8 big meals! And they also recommend taking protein powder which is Just a waste of money. You will Just gain fat.
I have tested this myself: I get around 70 to 90 gram of protein every day. But vitamins and nutrients and how much calories you get are far more important. The 70 to 90 gram protein pr. Day i got from a nutrition expert through reading the China study. I can bench 140 kg for 12 reps. Do 20 pull ups, 200 kg squat and 300 kg deadlift. I dont want to be bigger either. I look strong and athletic. Push ups feels like moving air for me. I could probably do 100 or more. I only take 20 gram of creatine pr. Day for 7 days if I feel I stagnate.
So that blows the protein myth out the door. Its made up by the protein multi billion dollar industry tricking you need all their crap.
So... dont worry about protein!