Sporty people: Where do you get all of your protein?

@reneaz In terms of being less bored, Asian grocery stores will really open your mind. There are so many different forms and textures made from both tofu and/or seitan.

Quinoa has protein and amino acid but as a vegan YES you have to eat a bit more than your omnivore* counterparts.

Honestly? Just get a protein shake and I hope you’re taking vegan creatine if the goal is muscle growth
@reneaz 8/12 block of tofu? Are you trying to say two thirds or 8 to 12 blocks? Neither of these make much sense to me.

One block of extra firm tofu typically has 70grams of protein. So you could eat one of these block (spread throughout 2-3 meals) and make the rest of it up via other foods. Potatoes, pasta, leafy greens, and whatever amount of beans you can stomach. Your calorie limit would have to be very low to not reach 120g even without supplementing protein powder.

As far as taste I find that tofu tastes best in something like teriyaki sauce or a tomato based sauce. Scrambled with tomato paste, water, and taco seasoning and tossed in a taco salad is my favorite
@reneaz Vegan protein shakes, beans and lentils, soy and tofu. Soy milk is great. Hummus/garbonzo beans. But the protein shakes have been a game changer. Drink about 2 a day for 40g of protein. And the rest comes from my meals. Usually am getting about 110g of protein a day
@reneaz Bulk pea protein isolate is the easiest way to take in heaps of protein. Blend with OJ, water, and a banana and you can easily sip your way to 120 grams.

I also have a small stomach, so just sipping through the morning I take 80 grams. Then a smaller smoothie in the afternoon for 50 more. Other than that I focus on fruits and veggies and carbs.
@reneaz In addition to the great suggestions already, remember that we’re not limited to only the highest protein foods as sources. For example, I love to stuff an entire bag of spinach, a head of broccoli, and a pint of blueberries in my blender for a smoothie. That has ~14g of protein from the fruit and veggies even before adding soy milk or whatever plant based milk you prefer.
@reneaz You could try incorporating digestive enzymes like amylase, protease, lipase, cellulase, and alpha-galactosidase, which help with the digestion of legumes.

This might make it easier for you to include legumes in your diet.

Additionally, you could try protein sources like quinoa, nuts, seeds, edamame, and nutritional yeast.

Protein shakes or bars can also be a convenient way to supplement your intake without relying solely on tofu and seitan.
@reneaz For me its: Tofu(high protein version),beans, vegan protein powder(sunwarrior), bean pastas like chickpea and Lentil, ezekial bread and wraps. Nuts/seeds. Soy milk also. Quinoa and broccoli as well.
@reneaz Blend tofu into sauces like curries or spaghetti sauce. You won’t even taste it so it’ll help with getting tired of it. You can also blend it into smoothies. I also use it to make vegan “ricotta” which I put on vegan pizzas or on pasta dishes. You can look up recipes for that, it’s super easy I just throw everything in a food processor.

Nutritional yeast is high protein too! I sprinkle it on so many things like pasta, avocado toast, straight onto broccoli, on rice dishes.
@reneaz Why are you eating so much protein? Studies show you only need a g per kg body weight.

Also grains, vegetables, nuts, seeds have protein.

For example if you eat 2000 calories of whole wheat pasta you’d get 80 grams of protein. Not saying you should only eat pasta but the protein in your carbs, fats, and veggies add up
@reneaz Protein powder, soy milk, pea milk, peas, broccoli, vegan ‘chicken’ and fake beef / burgers, seitan, tofu, nuts, spirulina, nutritional yeast, bagels (yep their high in protein!), protein bars and seeds. You can get pasta that’s high in protein as well like legume pastas.
@reneaz I’m 180cms, but… I do a 55g of protein shake in the morning: chocolate Vega sport, soy milk, naked pb, spinach and half a frozen banana.

I don’t really care how much more protein I have the rest of the day. I know it’ll be enough because of that morning bad boy.
@reneaz I’m 160cm and doing okay on 80-100g! But used to consume more when I powerlifted. These days I do a scoop of protein in my overnight oats (around 42g of protein) and a clear pea protein shake (20g). Also, I sprinkle nutritional yeast on things, which adds up during the day!