Sporty people: Where do you get all of your protein?

@robbie11r1 Yeah, that’s the only “protein special k” they sell here, didn’t even know there was another version in the US without milk, I would love to have that version over here
@reneaz I eat about 125g of protein and my sources are tofu, soy free tofu, protein powder, gardein beefless ground, soba noodles and black bean spaghetti. Then I also get smaller amounts of protein from the occasional protein bar or vegan protein cereal, whole grain bread, veggies, rice and nut butter. Not that hard, you just need to pay attention.
@reneaz Good advice here. Let me add:
You can grate tempeh. The texture improves massively.
I bought protein powder but taste as flour. So I use it as a kind of flour, thikening the dish and adding around 20gr of protein to whatever I cook (mushrooms, soups...).
@reneaz First question is how much do you weigh? Why do you think you need 120g of protein?

Protein powder

Soy products: tofu, TVP, soy curls, soy milk, edamame


Protein bars

Some faux meats

High protein bread products: a lot of keto options are higher protein and lower calorie
@bill1969 your comment isn’t mandatory especially when you’re the rudest of all other 64 users - get a life, do therapy, and go release your stress on something else.
if you would have understood the message just like all 64 people i’m sure you could have also understood what my question actually was.
bye loner
@reneaz Way to go off. Im happy with my life. Im doing therapy. Im thriving on a vegan diet. Im living my best life. Its you who cant google something very basic. Or even search a subreddit. Bye loner.
@bill1969 happy people mind their business and don’t go off arrogantly “teaching” others things that they’ve already done - again, read the message, read the other comments, and eventually see for yourself.
otherwise go on living your “happy life”, if you’re happy with how you are xx bye happy emo
@reneaz Like most people have said, grains & beans have probably the highest protein count so that should be the first place to start. Also focusing on high amino foods cause that helps absorb protein like quinoa, chia & such.

The protein powder I use has a lot of this in one so it makes it pretty easy to have in smoothies, pancakes, cakes, on cereals while implementing my grains throughout the day.

Here’s a link:™-Organics-Plant-Protein-Powder-–-Vanilla-p-125923C