I designed a map with progression trees for most popular bodyweight exercises


New member
I created a map for beginners that encompass the majority of bodyweight and calisthenics movements that we see on this sub.

It has around 110 exercises/movements with 5 starting points: Pull, Push, Core, Legs and Skills.

Link to 4096x4096 image:


My aim when designing this map was to make it as simple as possible and include only comprehensive and safe progressions. Progressions that I have used, or I will recommend my friends to use.
But, due to simplified nature of this graphic you will notice some inconsistencies, let me know if there is something you really disagree with.

Some notes:
  • There are a few common exercises that are not present in the map: human flag, bridge
  • It does not focus on "impossible" or gymnast level movements.
  • Mobility / flexibility requirements are not present in this map.
  • Relative difficulty between skill trees is not accurate: Weighted Pistol Squats are not the same difficulty as Straddle Planche :)

I am building an iOS/Android app based on this concept! Goals, progressions, achievements... If this is your sort of thing let me know, I am looking for someone that could help me test it.

(edit) Since some people asked, app is not ready yet but you can check https://sportismygame.app/ for a sneak peek.
@supperz0nic Sweet.

Maybe somewhere down the line this is an interactive graphic where each icon opens a page with a description and demonstration.

I appreciate the work you put in to make this come to life.
@luzlight Hopefully OP is ok with me sharing another user's stuff here, but this link does just that. As a beginner, I find the demonstrations very helpful. However, I do find the progression displayed by OP's image here a bit easier to follow than the link that I shared, so maybe folks can use the two to supplement each other!
@luzlight If by interactive you mean an app, then it is on it's way!

You can check some screenshots here: https://sportismygame.app/

I don't have descriptions yet, but I do have a handcrafted animation (as best of my abilities) for each of the exercises.

Each exercise that we see on the map is actually a standalone goal, and these will be expanded into progressions to achieve the goal more easily. Example: Pull Up: Supported Pull Up > Negative Pull Up > Pull Up.

I did not want to "pollute" the map with these intermediate progressions.
@supperz0nic I think it would be cool if it also worked as a way to track your progress. Maybe checking the progressions you’ve completed or something like that. Also if it saved the dates when you marked it as completed you can have a timeline of your progress.
@supperz0nic great effort!
first idea that came to my mind was that this could be a real print poster and one has to rub off a cover-layer everytime one finished a progression and wants to see the next one down the line, like these wall posters of the world map for travellers :)
@supperz0nic This is more awesome that you will get credit for. I don't think that many people get that you even have different icons for the one arm pull-up and the one arm chin-up.

Very well done.
@shyandalone Of all great feedback that I got on this post this has to be my favorite.

These icons are actually extracted from a set of animations I did by hand (using Adobe After Effects). This small change from pronated grip to supinated was surprisingly a pain to implement because how layers were overlapping.

Stupid attention to detail: check

Hours/days spent on fine tuning the visuals: check

Someone noticing: joy in my heart
@supperz0nic Amazing! I’m a complete beginner and i enlisted for your app. The preview of the app is amazing, something a complete beginner like me needs. Cant wait for the release. Thanks for the effort!

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