I don’t like lifting 😔

@ajewelinhiscrown I like to have sheets of records for the big compounds and try to set pbs for multiple reps constantly, it feels like a game. Using AMRAP on routines like 5/3/1 or something similar allows for lots of personal records to be broken which keeps me focused.
@ajewelinhiscrown I feel like I wrote this. Same boat I love cardio but strongly dislike lifting. HOWEVER I adore the way my body has changed since I actually gave lifting a chance, so it’s all about looks for me.

Give it a chance, you never know how the changes will make you feel
@ajewelinhiscrown I’m extremely similar to you in that I love running and find cardio pretty meditative and even tough workouts like intervals I feel great after. Never felt like that with lifting it was always a slog to get through for me until I started doing calisthenics. I don’t do crazy amounts but I find big compound movements like pull ups and push ups more enjoyable. Targets lots of muscles in one go so I don’t have to do loads of isolation exercises, maybe checkout the Bodyweight recommended routing on Reddit. I think they key is to remember anything is better than nothing and don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Have a minimal plan maybe push pull legs e.g. pull ups or rows, dips or push ups, squats and a hinge movement. I think also as it’s so tough it’s good to try make it into a habit, you can’t depend on a runners high with weights so focus on doing it consistently at the same time and forming a habit.
@ajewelinhiscrown I work out with a personal trainer 3 times a week. We do 3 sets of 8 or 9 exercises in 30 minutes. There are up to 3 people per section all working out together in what they call a "circle". There are always some core/abs exercises, but otherwise we do a pull/push/legs split. I don't have to think about a thing, I just do what I'm told for 30 minutes and end up getting sore somewhere. I'm totally getting stronger and seeing results.

A friend of mine really likes orange theory. I don't know if there is any traditional weight lifting, but it sounds like they mix cardio with exercises that also provide a functional strength conditioning.
@ajewelinhiscrown Relatable. I hate lifting too.

You could do circuit if you have a gym with a dedicated circuit training section. It’s a great cardio workout and you’ll be DEAD if you do an hour of it properly.

I took up pole dancing and returned to ballet. There’s no better workout anywhere than those two things and I enjoy them. Because I’m a masochist apparently. Lol. And the gag is, because I want to do well in them, I’m also motivated to lift and train the muscles and joints that I need in order to enjoy these sports with minimal injury. Maybe you need a motivation to lift that’s tied to a different goal or activity you enjoy?
@ajewelinhiscrown You can build a very muscular and athletic body with heavy resistance bands.

Also, there are many different ways to workout with weights. It can be heavy, light, fast, slow. It can incorporate cardio or be at a slow pace.

You will see benefits quickly both in looks and function. It’s also very important for bone density, balance, and core strength.

You can work out with resistance twice a week. It does not have to take over your entire way of being active.

Also, while you do not get the same runner’s type high, there are many wonderful feelings that differ depending on the type of resistance work done.

I have always loved lifting. I have always disliked cardio. I now love a variety of different forms of cardio. Do not give up. Make it a habit before telling yourself it’s not for you.

It is also fun to learn new exercises, set new personal records, and finding an exercise you love. By the way, strength training will undoubtedly help all forms of cardio.