PSA: Don’t trust a shitty pull up bar. Almost died today because I’m an idiot

@srawf Here's a sneak peek of /r/crossfit using the top posts of the year!

#1: Today marks 9 months of CF and I gave birth to what appear to be muscles! Who knew someone who hadn't even touched a barbell up until that point could fall in love with getting stronger each day? Completing my first Tough Mudder on Saturday! 💪🏾😝 | 217 comments

#2: Look how less fat I am! 18 months progress | 105 comments

#3: Down 100 lbs! Finally met my goal. | 82 comments

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@srawf haha, I was trying to emphasise that they have the "safety factor" of definitely being able to withstand the load even if it's a fast moving one, rather than trying to encourage bad form. Definitely a botched word choice on my part.
@bigluko Thank you! Great ideas. I'm hoping that I can salvage some of the investment I made in all this metal. Maybe that's not possible. I'm going to make sure to do the research before I build again.
@hopetobereborn similar thing happened to me a year ago. bar snapped while getting up for negatives. i was using a chair to step up, so i fell backwards on my head. lying on the ground, i really thought i was dying for the first minute. result was two herniated disks. be careful folks.

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