I just completed the B.U.F.F. Dudes' 12 Week Gym Program!


New member
I finished the first 12 week workout program that I have ever attempted yesterday so I wanted to share my excitement about that, but I also want to recommend it to you guys if you're looking for another lifting regime!

The one I specifically did was the gym version of their newest 12 week program, but they also have a home version as well. I thought it could have split up the lower/upper body better towards the end (there were four upper body days and only two lower body days in the last phase) but I adjusted that to my liking by adding in random leg exercises on the chest & back days. Overall, I made massive improvements on my lifts that I don't think I would have known how to make without this program, especially since this introduced me to drop sets and pyramid sets.

The two guys that made the program (the B.U.F.F. Dudes) also have a YouTube channel where they posted tutorials and tips for each phase that I thought were really helpful... especially since they're both very easy on the eyes. They also put the whole thing in PDF format. What more do you want?!

I was a bit nervous to start this program because I thought it was tailored to men but 12 weeks later... I look the sexiest I ever have! My shoulders developed the "capped" look and my hamstrings are actually defined when I bend over :D

Here's the link for the program on their website.

Anddd here's their YT channel where you can find the tutorials.
@fak35007 Yeah, I probably should have included those from the start haha only reason I didn't was because my "before" picture was taken about 4 weeks into the program already. Still getting the hang of the progress picture idea... Yay!