I made a journal to follow the recommended routine - what’s missing from it?

@cantsed Really cool journal, well done. You may have already come across it, but if not, you should also check out what /@bibbigo has put together. His spreadsheets and charts are top notch.

As you go along you might find that you need pre-/re-hab for weak points, or that you want to do accessory exercises for some reason. You've got the note section in the bottom, but you could also throw in a set of empty boxes that you have for the individual exercises. I'd sacrifice the warmup section for this as the warmup is, well, not that interesting. You'll just be ticking it every time you work out as there's really no reason not to do something.

I like the page in the third photo, the one with 3x5, 3x6 etc as column titles. It's a nice overview of when you achieve things.

Your body measurement page is awesome. Are you putting in weekly averages? Since you don't mention on the page, just fyi, that bodyfat estimates with calipers are usually more accurate if you take multiple readings from different body parts.
@betaninja This is great feedback, thanks so much. Definitely agree re the warm up and pre/rehab and additional exercises, as I’ve been incorporating some rotator cuff / shoulder work outside of the routine, which doesn’t fit neatly in the journal currently

Re the body measurements, I’ve been measuring once a week at the same time each week, that’s a great point about using skin fold calipers over several locations. I’ve put a bit of text around taking measurements, I’ll include this in there

Will definitely check out those charts you linked. Appreciate the feedback, thanks again
@cantsed Not sure how you would incorporate it with the current layout, but most of the time, weekly averages are preferred for weight measurements (i.e. weigh in at least 3x per week and take the average of the three weights). Weight can fluctuate meaningfully on a day-to-day basis so one data point per week may not be useful if comparing deltas across weeks.
@litaluv This is really helpful - even if I can’t add it into the layout, that’s useful information to include in some text around the measurement logging, so thank you
@cantsed Just because it wasn't entirely clear when I wrote this, I think your journal is excellent and doesn't need any changes. I was nitpicking because you asked for feedback.

What are your plans for the notes panel? One thing I've found useful is keeping track of where my weak points are, and trying to find ways to compensate for that. Because these vary from person to person they're quite individual, so it'd be hard to formalise this in any way other than a box with open-ended responses.

Re the body measurements, I’ve been measuring once a week at the same time each week

That's really cool, and it'll look really interesting when you chart it in your future progress post. You're probably already doing this, but I would step on the scale daily. Weight fluctuates a fair bit and it's the lowest effort measure (you just stand on a square). Getting a daily reading will really ramp up it's accuracy. Especially if you're also taking the impedance body fat % numbers from the scale.
@betaninja I took complete body measurements similar to what the OP indicated (1-2 more?) and did a DEXA scan before my latest gain and strength cycle. My plan is to follow up after the training block with after measurements and another DEXA scan. Then I hope to repeat this for each quarterly trainin block i.e. 4x per year to see how I adapt and transform. We'll see.

Some of this can be found here.
@kriskristnight /@kwells (heh) already linked you to his Flickr profile which has all of his exercise stuff posted.

This is what his daily log looks like. They're quite different from yours because his workouts are intermediate, so he's working towards specific goals and skills and doing the exercises that will get him there. This means that he has a lot more exercises open to him than the 6+3 that the RR contains.

His version of your page #3 (when you hit each goal) looks like this:
Again, his is quite different because you progress differently with more advanced movements like the FL, but it gives you an idea of what an alternative way of tracking goals and achievements looks like.

One thing that crossed my mind as I was looking over BosBatMan's material is that you might have a hard time tracking split exercises. Once you reach split squats, that progression and all that follow it are done unilaterally where you do left and right leg separately. You might reach a point, especially in the shrimp squats, where one leg does more than other. You might want to have a consistent way of tracking each leg separately. You could cut the rep box diagonally or vertically in two and try that.

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