I made a journal to follow the recommended routine - what’s missing from it?

@ron76569 Potentially, if there’s interest. Just trying to gauge that at the mo, and get some general feedback! Initially created it for myself to have something physical I could scribble on, and flick through previous workouts easily, and be less distracted when working out (easy to just be on phone between sets then lose focus etc). Then I thought “if this already existed, I would buy one”, so thought I’d post to get feedback on what I might have overlooked that others would find useful.

I’ll probably give away a basic free version, and sell a more comprehensive version in two formats - pdf (print yourself) / physical (printed, bound and shipped as per the pics), probably for a couple of $ above cost. Not trying to fleece anyone, but also would be nice to get a bit of return on the hours and hours I’ve put in, and give me an incentive to make improvements / continue. And to recoup some of the cost of the paralettes / bands / rings / pull up bar etc I’ve bought to follow the routine!

Would people be interested in purchasing a copy? If so what format (physical / digital download)? Or only interested in a basic free version?

tl;dr: potentially looking to sell copies, let me know if it’s something you might be interested in, and what you’d like to see in it
@cantsed Not a huge deal, but a version with a buff lady silhouette would be wicked. Maybe @reformedpowerhouse-Preposterous could help you out?

It is after midnight and I am exhausted, but I will look through it with my lady lens tomorrow (er...later today) and see if anything is missing from that perspective. I can't imagine that to be true, but sometimes ladies are different than men.
@stopsigntheology Thank you I’d appreciate any feedback you have, especially through the lady lens! It’s funny, my girlfriend gave me the same feedback about the cover, I’ll see if I can address this with a different pic / alternate version

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