I only want big arms. Not literally, I still am working out other muscle groups, but I want the biggest bulkiest arms. How do I get them?


New member
My arms are currently 15.8”. I want to get them as big as possible. I don’t want to hear all the “do compounds” shit. I already do compounds. I want my main focus for my routine to be bigger arms. Big meaty triceps and biceps. Gimme your advice.

Edit: thanks to those who replied answering the question, I’m still reading peoples advice 👍
@tabularasa In my first years dumbbell pull-overs were a staple in my workouts, for back training. I love that movement.

I guess that helped alot in triceps development has an auxiliary muscle. ¯_(ツ)_/¯.

Nowadays I can french-press / skull-crush 45kg (99,2 lb) for 8-10 resp, roughly the same I can do for a standing bicepcurl. So keep at it :)

For context I'm 42 yo, training for 20 years +.
Nowadays I can french-press / skull-crush 45kg (99,2 lb) for 8-10 resp, roughly the same I can do for a standing bicepcurl. So keep at it :)

Wow, you are a beast!

I've only been lifting for 1.5 years so hopefully I can get there at some point.

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