I only want big arms. Not literally, I still am working out other muscle groups, but I want the biggest bulkiest arms. How do I get them?

@lizlugo51 But low key 15.8" arm isn't anything to spit at ..... I mean anyone else ? That's bigger that 90% of the pop . Some dudes would kill for that . But yeah Triceps son. When I was younger i didn't know this and my Biceps looked big (for my size / age) but I had 0 triceps ..... one thing I've done is switch my barbell bench to a close grip all the time . Wide grip just runs the injury risk and already had shoulder injury . Plus I had an O Line coach bench like that and we asked him why . He said when you block someone where are your hands ? Not out wide , they are shoulder width apart that's where all your power is ..... anyway that has helped me add some meat there , and then one of my fav ISOs is single arm overhead bicep to ear , and bring the dumbell to a 90 behind your head keeping your upper arm straight and glued to that ear ....
@lizlugo51 Try adding arms at end of workout, 2-3 times a week. 3 to 5 sets of 12 reps. Pick 1-2 bicep and 1-2 triceps exercise and do that. I like to superset so its 12rep bi, 12rep tri, rest 1-2 min, repeat.

If you are pressed for time, just superset between them with a 10 minute timer (or just go until your arms fall off).
@lizlugo51 Wow theres some weird shit in here. As a natural athlete who had over 21 inch arms when i was bodybuilding let me tell you the realest answer. If you want your arms to be massive you need to have workouts where arm work is your main focus, with high volume, going to failure and beyond as much as you can recover from in 72 hours and repeat with improved performance. The simplest way to accomplish this is going to be to do 2 workouts a day, so that you can do your back work AM, bucep work PM, chest work AM, tricep work PM, leg day, repeat ad infinitum. Otherwise you will need to do your arm work at the expense of your chest and/or back, by prioritising the arms earlier in the workout.

Lets take this to DMs if you want to discuss the ins and outs of getting you on anplan to specifically push for arm size. Good news is you can still progress everywhere else at the same time, it's just a matter of programming.
@lizlugo51 how the hell did u already have 15.8 inch arms. I still only have 14.5 inches and ive been working out for almost 2 years. I can strict curl 110 pounds with ass and shoulders on wall. and can db press 85 on each side I dont rlly get it
@lizlugo51 Train arms exclusively 3x a week, number one priority is progressive overload on compound arms movements aka get as humanly strong as possible on these in 5-10 rep range: weighted chinup, barbell bicep curl overhead triceps extension with dumbbell, skull rushers. Second priority is isolation movements, for example preacher curls and cable pushdowns, very intense high reps. Do this for 3 years consistently.
@lizlugo51 You can do all the arm specialisation you want but your arms will grow in proportion to the rest of your body. You'll never get truly massive arms on someone with chicken legs or small lats.

Arm specialisation will work greater of you have a solid base of muscle elsewhere on your body
@ievele Lats I’ll agree because theyre used for pulling and in day to day life but legs not so much, you could have big arms and small legs because of your bodies response to adaptive stress from weights. You could build your barbell curl and standing overhead press to 200+ lbs and still have relatively “small” legs because of the inherent size and strength of legs naturally, your body isnt gonna be like “hey bro im not giving you anymore biceps because of these chicken legs” and some people just want strong legs not big legs
@rsj455 I fully disagree and my own years of training and shown me otherwise. Direct arm work will develop your arms obviously, but if you're lacking development overall then you'll only see so much growth on the arms to a point. Show me someone that can deadlift 600lbs and you'll see someone with big arms
@ievele You’re own years are just that, you’re own. There is a good majority of people who have big arms and smaller legs, also yeah there is powerlifters with massive deads but smaller arms because arms don’t dictate a massive deadlift
@rsj455 10 years in a powerlifting gym and I've never seen what you've just described. I'm not saying you need massive legs to have big arms. I'm saying the more musculature you have over your body the bigger your arms will be, in a relative sense. If all you done was arms and that's it, sure you'd see growth in the arms, people might even compliment you on how good your arms look. But they would only grow to a certain point then stop. Once the overall musculature on your whole body increased your arms would start growing again
@lizlugo51 Focus on triceps mainly, they make up most of your arm, biceps secondary and forearms last. 80% of gains will come from compounds, dips, chins, close grip bench, bench, rows, etc. Isolate
@lizlugo51 How heavy are you?

The reason why people say "do compounds" is because they'll make you gain more muscle/weight around the body. I'd focus on getting your weight up as this will make your arms bigger.

I love incline curls, long head tricep exercises, supinated twist DB nose crushers, and hammer curls. Do a couple sets of 50 in the beginning and end of your workout of your favorite exercises and you'll be fine.

You can also "run the rack" and pick an exercise and weight for 50,40,30,20,10 reps, going heavier each time.

225 with 18.5 inch arms cold
@lizlugo51 Shove all arm work to the start of ur workout and do it with high intensity, if you're like me you might be shoving your arm work last, where isolation work becomes slightly sloppy or you don't have the energy to push yourself as hard
@lizlugo51 Priorities Close grip for your bench press over regular grip bench and do weighted dips for triceps, use push downs and overhead extensions as necessary.

For biceps add in chin ups over regular pull ups, and hit your barbell curls moderately heavy, then follow up with a bicep movement that gets the elbows behind the body as well as a movement that uses a neutral grip like a hammer curl.

Don’t forget your reverse curls as well as wrist curls along side those hammer curls because you want some meaty forearms so they don’t hold back your pulling strength at all