If there was an equivalent of the “Dead Hang” but for your hips instead of shoulders, what would it be?

@balabob Yoga.

Baby Pose, you could also put feet the wall.

Child pose as well.

Just hang out in those poses for a few minutes and focus on your breath.
@balabob I've used the 90-90 passive alignement in the past to get rid of a "chronic" lower back pain (due mostly to my abolutely-not-ergonomic-sitting position at work) and the feeling of opening in my lombar/hips area was just awesome.

I'm still using from time to time juste to feel that bliss.

And the best part is that you just have to lay still for about 5 to 10 minutes !

It's explained with the 2 links below :


@balabob I am in the exact same boat as you and even though you may not play ice hockey goalie I HIGHLY recommend you check out Maria Mountain as she specializes in training hockey goalies so a lot of her stuff is focused on tight hips.

One exercise in particular I started using, which is exactly what you asked for in the title, requires only a rubber band and a mounting point. What I do is wrap a band around one of the legs on my couch, then you lay down and wrap the other end around your foot and scooch back a couple feet. What happens is the band gives a slight pull on your leg which gives your hip socket a stretch/rest similar to what a deadhang does for your shoulders. I tried to find the video of Maria explaining it but I can't, if I do I will edit my post.

Edit: FOUND IT! This whole video is great but the excercise I was trying to explain she does a demonstration at 11:09.

Edit2: another pro-tip I've discovered is to whip out the massage gun and hammer my hip flexors while the band pulls down on my leg. My god it feels as good as sex....almost.
@balabob Heel elevated split squats and crosshack squats are great for this. Start with bodyweight or even like a broomhandle to help stabilize. Add in rdls and seated good mornings if you have access to any weight. Can even do these with a broomstick to start with.
@balabob Posture narratives are bullshit so don't worry about it and update your information on pain, injury, technique, posture, etc.

Also because someone else brought him up: stu mcguill is full of it.

Barbell medicine is probably the most accessible resource on this stuff but look up Adam meakins , Aaron kubal, and Greg lehman
@birdinator2000 Pushing a narrative that leads people to believe they are fragile crosses a line when it's in the face of years of repeated conflicting high quality evidence. It's myopic. We aren't dead pigs, pain and injury are not easily distilled down into biomechanics, and these narratives function off of a faulty understanding of living creatures and how complicated pain experiences are. The list of provable falsities involved in what he teaches is huge. Fascia, adhesions, etc. This stuff amounts to psudeo science when it's built on a foundation of assumptions supported by confirmation bias from clinician experiences. We have many good rcts related to pain and injury. Stu is the supposed expert leading a genre of outdated rehab practitioners who waste time and ultimately cause harm.

There is a lot more say on this but I'm currently doing rounded back deadlifts pain free because training loaded spinal flexion is totally fine.
@balabob Staying fit at this age is time consuming, I think you’re just gonna have to accept that there’s no shortcut to feeling good physically, especially if you’ve neglected that for a while.
@assen I don't think op is looking for a shortcut. They want to know what exercises and movements they cam practice consistently for their hip mobility just as they've done for their shoulders.
@balabob Maybe pike compressions. Couple sets one leg at a time over the course of a few weeks/months can get your hamstrings and hips improved. I focus lower body mobility rn and among forward folds, deep lunge, I make sure I always do the pike compressions. They're super easy to do and scale directly to your ability level