Im dead after 90 mins


New member
42 male. Very slim, 9 - 9.5 stone at 5' 8"

Trying to work on shoulders, chest and arms. Im not sure how long I should be doing dumbells and resistance machines in the gym for?

I started on dumbells, not going heavy to begin with. I went for 2 7kg bells and did a variety of routines with those. Moved over to resistance machines. But after 1hr I was struggling with many repitions of anything, and after 90 mins I barely had the strength to do 5 reps on any machine.

How long should I be going for? Or will I just improve over time and be able to last 2hrs in the gym?
@slow Yeah! 90 minutes SHOULD leave you dead! Are you training to go back in time to the Medieval period to fight people on the battlefield with a mace?!

I always used to do 30 mins when I was gyming (too much axe usage to need it currently) and saw plenty of results from that. If you add cardio (as you should!) then you will be there longer at times, but 90 mins aint required unless you are becoming a Spartan.

Careful with injuries Spartan!
@gospelofgracetv Numbers, as in how much I can lift? 190 lbs bench (pretty much BW), 250 squat, 300 deadlift, 145 OHP. These are ballpark-ish; 10 lbs less here or 10 more there. I only train for strength and never close to my actual 1RM, have not tested them in a while. Started lifting well into my 30s and don't have that much time to spare after wife, kids, and work :)
@gospelofgracetv I don't see how lifting for longer would change anything. I can already rest for 1-2 minutes between main lift sets and I can handle progression, as the routine calls for it. Got the work capacity to superset all supplemental and accessory work I do
@gospelofgracetv Like I said, I'm getting through all my sets just fine and can progress as prescribed. I do believe you should rest for as long as you need to, but a minute or two seems to be the sweet spot right now. I'm sure I'm using closer to 3 minutes at the heaviest top sets
@ausilio Think in "number of sets" and not number of hours.

Start with what you can do, try 8-10 sets per week with each muscle group. Divide it up across multiple gym days. Lower the weight to push out more sets near the end of each session... gradually improve your number of sets per week as you get stronger

You shouldn't be in the gym for really more than an hour doing this. Maybe 90 minutes when you've gotten a lot stronger and are doing more sets each day
@skilletgirlepic Thats good advise. I was told by some of my gym bros when I started to target for a minimum of 12 sets, and a maximum of 20. I didn't start using the gym until mid 20's, but was always quite strong from my work (manual labour at the time) so I didn't really 'know the routine'. I found 12-14 sets depending on energy level to get me to a good level of tired, and I was able to do this in around 30 - 40 mins (depending on weights, machine usage, etc.)

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