I'm still Chris Brown and this is my 2-year progress post about bodyweight training and life!

@matt_cox87 Solid enough. I'm three days in now. Things aren't as cheap as I wanted but I don't know if theyve ever been when I travel. Come across some great food and some awful food. Tons of backpackers.
@ukubird First your vegetarian diet mean you are cutting more or less all the time?
I switched back to meat about 6 months ago and I've noticed I bulked more but I'm not nearly as lean.
What did you do when you plateau?
Your post a year ago inspired me to take bwf more seriously 👌
Good luck man!
@ricottak Being veg is weird. I just don't eat enough. Fiber is filling so it's easy to eat a ton of fiber in veggies and feel full but not get enough calories. I've been going for peanut butter lately cuz its very calorie dense and has high protein.

When I plateau I change the stimulus, which is what basically everyone recommends. I deload if I need to then I change the training program. Maybe work towards a different goal, change the rep scheme or just do completely different movements for a while. I always come back stronger. If weighted pullups are plateauing maybe I'll do high rep pullups (bigger muscle = potential for more strength) or just work completely on front lever/horizontal pull work or something.
@ukubird Ever considered to make a traveling/fitness/life blog? I figured since you love telling your travel/fitness/yoga story.

why not make a blog, share your story and hopefully it'll grow big and help you earn more money.

I envy your butt, so freakin smooth! Mine looks like it's been clawed by a tiger --"
@dawn16 Everyone told me I should blog like 5 years ago when I started traveling. I half way wish I had but it takes away from being in the moment. Having to sit down once or twice a week and write about everything. No doubt it wouldve been a good idea though.

The more I travel the more I run into people doing the exact same thing and I don't feel necessarily unique. I feel blessed and lucky and all those good things but I was at Macchu Picchu two days ago with like 3,000 other yuppies.
@ukubird Yeah but every travel blogger has their own language/different story to tell, so it's kinda unique in its own way. It's just a suggestion since i enjoy your writing and reading your story.

I do know if you turn your hobby to a job, sometimes it can burnt you out and the passion slowly wither. Probably because there will be pressure associated with it and makes you enjoy them less and less.
@garsimtha It seems to have disappeared. I saved the comment and thats gone. It was in faq and that's gone as well.

Basically you picked a primary and secondary goal and worked towards it. Can't remember if it was 3x8, 5x5 or 5x8. Hope that makes sense I can explain a bit more if you need me to