Initial 24.3 percentages BTWB (and percentages to shoot for, for quarterfinals)

@talkingbunny I can do one BMU. Sometimes. I was really hoping to be above the 50th percentile this year but I don't think I'm gonna be able to hold on to it.
@talkingbunny If you guys wanna feel better about yourselves I didn’t even make it to the 1 min rest lol. I did 96 reps. The chest to bar was slow going but the thrusters I knew going into it were heavier than I would normally do in a metcon
@emawatson 2 rounds is very good. im usually a lot better than that. i front squat 360 and can do all the bmu unbroken and thats what i got as well.

i had some technical difficulties with my grip. i bet you did first portion way faster than me. i was 10:06 then switched my grips on the break....took me 1:30 to do so, started after 11:30
@talkingbunny Nice! I was a little faster 9:06. Did 3-2-2 on both thrusters rounds and singles the first round of BMU’s then, 1-1-3-2. Basically fell off the bar after that and hit my elbow on the bar rack gadget on the way down. Not super graceful.
@talkingbunny Thank you for doing this work.

It would be incredibly interesting to see what the scores would have been if this workout had shown up 10 years ago in the open. I'm guessing much much worse.
@talkingbunny I think this logic is totally off! Muscle ups are something not a lot of people can do. Training think tank had a nice video where the talked about %

Lost if people were riding a high from the first 2 workouts because they were pretty easy, but now you had C2Bs & BMU - no way would somebody need to finish the 4th round to be in 90% 😅