@bogdanpnw Day 1 Chest and shoulders, Day 2 back and biceps, day 3 legs and triceps.
Its a modified push pull legs and my reasons for it as follows
1. A push day is simply too much, chest shoulders triceps in one workout. It takes away from my focus and all three get a half assed workout. I understand they’re smaller muscles that some people can group but they’re some of the most important muscles to me for an aesthetic physique so i don’t want to group them all together and half ass it.
2. I like keeping chest and shoulders together because i have shoulder issues so grouping them together i am able to focus more on mobility and warm up since theyre the same for both muscles and not abuse my shoulder joint for more days then i have to.
3. While i do go hard in leg day its not as much of a priority to me. My legs grow pretty easily and i dont really want huge legs, just lean athletic and strong.
I do 8-10 hard sets and thats it so its not very hard to add on triceps on my leg days. If the leg day exhausted me ill simply take a 10 minute break and then do triceps.
4. The biggest issue really is that sometimes doing legs and tris , my triceps are a bit weak for my chest and shoulders day but i always have a day in between and honestly this split has made my triceps very strong so ive never really noticed it negatively affect my chest and shoulder days.