Interested to know what splits you guys are running with atm

@bogdanpnw Upper 1- Heavy chest + Biceps - light triceps

Lower 1- heavy quads - light hams shoulders- traps

Upper 2- heavy back + tris - light biceps

Lowe’s 2- heavy ham - light quad - rear delt- traps
@bogdanpnw Day 1 Chest and shoulders, Day 2 back and biceps, day 3 legs and triceps.

Its a modified push pull legs and my reasons for it as follows
1. A push day is simply too much, chest shoulders triceps in one workout. It takes away from my focus and all three get a half assed workout. I understand they’re smaller muscles that some people can group but they’re some of the most important muscles to me for an aesthetic physique so i don’t want to group them all together and half ass it.
2. I like keeping chest and shoulders together because i have shoulder issues so grouping them together i am able to focus more on mobility and warm up since theyre the same for both muscles and not abuse my shoulder joint for more days then i have to.
3. While i do go hard in leg day its not as much of a priority to me. My legs grow pretty easily and i dont really want huge legs, just lean athletic and strong.
I do 8-10 hard sets and thats it so its not very hard to add on triceps on my leg days. If the leg day exhausted me ill simply take a 10 minute break and then do triceps.
4. The biggest issue really is that sometimes doing legs and tris , my triceps are a bit weak for my chest and shoulders day but i always have a day in between and honestly this split has made my triceps very strong so ive never really noticed it negatively affect my chest and shoulder days.
@bogdanpnw Running this simple upper/lower for the next few months while I drop 20 pounds. I’m focusing on the intensity of each set and I’m preferring to only use machines. I take days off over the weekends if I have things planned.


3 sets flat chest
3 sets vertical pull
3 sets side delts
3 sets incline chest
3 sets horizontal pull
3 sets biceps and triceps


3 sets hamstring curls
3 sets leg extensions
3 sets weighted crunch machine
3 sets squats or leg press

Afterwards I do 30-45 minutes on the elliptical because I’m trying to lose weight.
@bogdanpnw i aim to do at least one cycle of this per week but some weeks i’ll start the cycle again early if that makes sense

chest and biceps

back and triceps



day off to cry

@bogdanpnw Day 1 - legs with about six sets of either push or pull at the end


Day 2 - Jiu jitsu followed by shorter session of push or pull (whatever I didn’t do Day 1)


Day 3 - jiu jitsu, then a few leg exercises and more exercises from the same as day 1 (push or pull)

Day 4 - Day 2 again but fresh

@bogdanpnw 3xFull but middle one is arm day with compounds and some none that important work at end.

i did 6xPPL 5xUL etc. nowdays i care recovery more than anything and feels good man
@romo Well i do 1 push and 1 pull move + an abs move first 3 set. Like ohp + fatgrip chinup + plank.
U can use a horizontal pull and pushs or one horizontal or other one vertical but it is better if move focused on limb.
Then a curl + push down + rear delt move, i do hammer curl+ long rope push down + facepull for 3 sets. My goal is both work arms but with safest way. Then a biceps move + triceps extension + fitting lift of choice. İ do preacher curl + french press + upright row.
U can modify as you wish. Personally i dont care lower body progression much but if u do u always can add lower fatique moves like back extension/good morning + bulgarian split squat + calf raise of choice.
Full body doesnt means u have to hit all muscles every single workout tho
@bogdanpnw I'm training for a marathon in April and Oly Tri in July so I've adjust my usual Upper Lower split to this:



Full Body + Rehab

Alongside this, I'm able to swim, run and cycle twice a week and not feel wrecked!