Is it considered a deload if I worked out PPL for the first 3 times only this week w/ max effort? Should I even deload in my situation?


New member
Is it considered a deload if I lift once for p-p-l this week with maximum effort? Is that considered cutting the volume in half? Theoretically I know it is lol but I thought I'd ask for sure.

It's just that I've already started working out this week and I thought I could make it before deloading (..I just really didn't want to because I was so strong at the start of last week) but besides my lifts literally going weaker this week (well..maybe just 5-10 lbs weaker, still sucks though) because I can tell my period is coming, plateauing, feeling lingering exhaustion in certain muscles, getting no pump, no strength even with pre. I'm resting for good I think.

Also.... Well ..... I'm kind of in a recomp for dieting is shitty for my mental health and I don't have a good relationship with food lol. I know my body though, I got strong then suddenly so weak which is why I'm considering to deload. Thanks y'all 🙏
@ha6enti Deloads and max efforts dont mix regardless of volume. A shitty deload will result in even shittier following week, with all the things you mentioned you really do need a deload


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