Is it weird I’m rarely sore after weight machines?


New member
So I’m doing a circuit of 11 machines. Leg extension, press, curl, lat pull down, bicep curl, triceps, shoulder press, chest press, seated row, abdominal crunch and back extension.
I have a strength test every 2 weeks and the weight is adjusted based on that. I’ve consistently moved up in weight.
I’ve gotten to the point that it is really challenging, it’s as heavy as I can possibly do the reps, my heart rate is elevated and I break a sweat.
Is it unusual that I rarely feel soreness after my workouts? You know how they say no pain no gain
Fyi I’m still a relative novice. I do this 3x a week and have been going consistently for several months now. I’ve noticed a difference in my physique though it’s no yet noticeable to anyone but me.
@roarke If you've been lifting 6+ months, soreness is not necessary for hypertrophy. However, you'll get more gains if you're a bit sore for few hours afterwards. Not necessary though.
@roarke Are you doing slow eccentrics into a deep stretch? If not, give it a try. You will likely experience a reminder the following day.

Yesterday, I did hack squats at 80% max and took it down slow to where my glutes were nearly touching my heels - as far down as my old man flexibility allowed - and held it for a few seconds before firing back up. I can’t get up from a chair today without discomfort.