Is this guy legit or is this just misinformation? Afraid I'm not training properly


New member
This guy popped up in my recommended, claiming a lot of stuff I've never heard of. He says that newbie gains are the only 'real muscle', as it is a result of myofibrillar hypertrophy, and that everything past that is 'fake muscle', which is a result of sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. He also claims that going to the gym regularly prevents you from building 'real muscle' due to myonuclear domain ceiling, and that all strength gained through training is fake, because it is a result of myocytic androgen receptors. On top of that he claims that lifting weights regularly only results in inflammation, which makes the muscles appear bigger, even if they're not.

I have been training for 2 months now, and do not understand a single term used in the videos. I don't know if this guy is legit or if he is just saying nonsense, but I am worried that I am not training properly. Any help? I linked his videos down below.

@erniedavid There only so many ways you can tell people to train 3-6x a week with weights, sleep well and eat right.

So in order to be noticed by the algorithm you have to say shit that goes against the grain. That’s just how social media works.
And despite spewing all that dumb shit, that guy, with his 300 followers, still hasn’t gotten noticed. 🤣
@erniedavid This is becoming a common tactic for grifters

They parrot a torrent of scientific terms leaving their victims in a state of analysis paralysis, then you are receptive to their sociopathic BS and they are so very confident, even if called out on their obvious lies they will keep repeating one point and claim they were correct

Everything he says is a scientific term if you look it up, they may even mean what he says, the key is even if all these are factors in no way shape or form do they summarize a complete working knowledge of the body

If you think about it, his "theory" means every bodybuilder and strength athlete got their gains in the first year and have been wasting their time in the gym.

If you watch Ashton Forbes on YouTube he uses the same information overload to "prove" aliens were recorded flying around a commercial airliner
@erniedavid Sounds like someone trying to sound smart.

I dunno, never heard anyone with a lot of muscle talk like this.

Pic looks very shopped too. I think you got trolled
@erniedavid 355 subs and he's put out content since 2021. (Granted the vast majority of his videos were released only within the last couple months). The algorithm hasn't rewarded him I see. His most viewed video (2.5k) is from a month ago taking shots at Natural Hypertrophy. Calling him a fake natty.

Even when he resorts to sensationalist tactics accusing natty bodybuilders of being on roids/SARMS, he still can't push himself in the algorithm.

I also noticed that he promotes a Carnivore Diet. I can't take bodybuilders who promote Carnivore, Keto or even Low-Carb seriously. Unless you are purposely reducing carbs to cut down on water weight temporarily. Glucose and water are the building blocks of glycogen, which you need for building muscle mass and making your muscles look full. Why on earth would a bodybuilder intentionally deprive their body of its preferred fuel source for creating glucose? If you can make gains on Carnivore/Keto/Low-Carb, you probably will make even more gains if you start eating rice, pasta, noodles, bread, potatoes, oats, cereal and sugars.