It’s okay if you don’t want to do at home workouts right now

@gumcareblog There’s definitely no necessity to force yourself to workout. Personally I’ve been taking it way easier. I’m also so lazy when it comes to bodyweight workouts lol. But on a serious note, the benefits of having some sort of exercise regime, especially during a time like this, are incredible. I’ll link an article that mentions a few different ways to keep fight with the whole virus thing ongoing.

A lot of good points in the above. For me I’m trying yoga for the first time (properly) and the running program is very decent. Never a bit time to rack up the miles on the road!
@gumcareblog I really really needed this post today. I'm home with a 4 and a 6 year old, trying to move my private practice to telehealth this week and keep my kids active and outside. We're hiking (at a kids pace) 3 or 4 days a week, but I fucking can't with the home workouts. I miss lifting. I don't wanna do home shit. It is just not feeling good. Thanks for this.
@gumcareblog It's quite okay to workout at home too! I hate going to the gym (introvert) but did it because they have the weights I need. But I have 20lbs and 15lbs dumbbells at home and have two routines I am doing. I was very sore after both the first time so I think I'm using some different muscles, but that's not bad. After working out I feel great and it's something that I can control and feel positive about. Since I'm not working it's nice to feel like I'm accomplishing something--anything. I'm thinking of pulling out my old dusty P90X DVDs just to have Tony tell me what to do and feel less alone. If you're not motivated try a 5 min workout of just stretching or small movements. Most of the time it's just getting started that's the hard part. After 5 min, maybe do a little more, or wait till tomorrow if you don't feel it. There's a ton of workouts on youtube too to feel less lonely while working out. For me being an older female, I know if I stop working out my body starts to feel old and slow in about 2 weeks and that affects my mental state, so I have to keep going.
@gumcareblog It’s all still new. Try not to beat yourself up over last week as all of us were in shock. Adjusting a workout schedule from gym to home- based is no easy task. There’s a lot of preparation prior to implementing it and we didn’t see it coming to this. Combine that change along with all the others that have occurred and it’s a bit overwhelming. I’m an extremely committed fitness person and I didn’t do anything last week and only two workouts this week as my life just turned upside down. Be easy on yourself and it will come together. Peace everyone!
@gumcareblog I just got laid off in all this and it's taking every fiber of my being to 1. not become obsessed with a to do list 2. take the opportunity to relax and 3. exercise without being bitter about it. I can't stop exercising for mental health reasons -- leaving the house to run or do bodyweight work at the empty playground is what's going to keep me off the ledge until this is over -- but I am trying to adjust expectations so that intensity isn't the focus, just movement and concentration. This pandemic is really gonna make a lot of us sit with our demons...
@gumcareblog I was supposed to run my first 5K Mar 14, it got canceled, ever since I have not done ANY exercise. I'm falling into depression and I can not get motivated to exercise!!! I go to the YMCA 5 days a week since it's closed I have no motivation! My group exercise classes help me stay accountable and now I have to become accountable to myself!!
@gumcareblog Honestly, THANK YOU. I bought resistance bands, I've bought pre-made protein shakes, but the thought of doing anything resembling bodyweight workouts, HIIT, or blogilates (throwback to my college apartment living days) makes me cringe.

I've decided to take this time to rest, relax, and move if I feel like it. Because otherwise, I was going down a spiral of "I can't get enough protein!!" and "I don't want to do bodyweight squats for 30 seconds!!" and "am I really going to deadlift a 24 back of water?"

Also, I haven't been able to gauge this reddits thoughts on James Smith, but he posted a 10-minute IGTV about home workouts (basically he's pro- not doing them lol) that I also found to be super helpful during this non-motivating/strange time we're all living in.
@gumcareblog i've mostly been worried because i just moved. the last week in my old town i wasnt working out to prepare for the move, then when we first arrived in my new city we werent. then we joined a gym network...and it seems i don't much like the gym they're closed so i can't even get into the swing of things in the new gym, and i also hate home workouts. so i'm doing my best to lift weights while teleworking and taking some runs. i just dont want to fall off the horse so hard i dont get back on when this is all over.
@gumcareblog I've been trying to follow YouTube videos and honestly they've killed my self esteem. I can't keep up with any of them. I can do what I do at the gym without feeling like I'm dying, but I feel so out of shape with all of the HIIT stuff I honestly think I'm going to find some old Richard Simmons videos. Like, I can't do push ups because I have awful carpal tunnel. Maybe I'm crazy, but I feel like you have to be in great shape already for a lot of that stuff.
@gumcareblog I'm the opposite in this situation... i have so much extra time now. no getting ready, no commuting... so i have been finding so many extra workouts to do at home. I am fortunate enough to already have a home gym but i have been adding on another hour or half hour to my regular morning routine. plus going for a 45 min walk for my lunch break. then ive found myself doing online yoga and the whole abs in the living room type deal in the evenings. i dont know, maybe this extra sleep im getting and the comfort of staying home is giving me a crazy energy boost. my eye bags are gone too haha!!
@gumcareblog Yes, this. The past week every day I’ve tried some HIIT/EMOM cardio circuit from IG and it just takes me back to the days of exercise as punishment in my high school bedroom and I just hate it.

So yesterday I just stopped, took a long walk, and came home and designed my usual push/pull/legs with the dumbbells I have. Guess what? Woke up early excited to do my workout. That whole “the best workout for you is one you will stick to” has some real merit. And if you’re not working out during this time, that’s okay too! Thanks OP for the reminder.
@gumcareblog Honestly I'm working out probably every other day right now with more focus on healthy diet and eating within my TDEE. I've taken more time to go on long walks and use my weighted hula hoop instead of my regular routine... Life isn't regular right now, so it's okay if work outs aren't either. Not the end of the world!
@gumcareblog I adapted my workout routine to be done with dumbbells at home...and do I ever hate it. I love the gym, I love working out, but I've never been so unmotivated to do anything in my life.