I've been training for 4 months, but why do I still have this lower belly fat?!


New member
Hey guys,

So I've been training properly(?) for about 4 months now. I was originally doing a PPL for about 2 months, but it wasn't really working so I swapped to fierce 5 and I am definitely a lot happier on that program. My deadlifts have gone through the roof while squats are awful as I've still been trying to fix my form and bench is quite a bit behind deads due to having to find a spotter every time.

Deads : 30kg > 90kg total

Squat : 40kg < 25kg total

Bench : 20kg > 50kg total

My problem is and it's been a huge one my whole life, my lower belly it's extremely stubborn and has never ever ever gotten smaller, even during these past 4 months..now I know 4 months isn't a lot, but I've lost 2 inch off my middle section, I'm a lot broader across my shoulders and my arms have also increased in size, yet my lower belly 'pooch' remains firm.

I don't know If I'm expecting too much, but I just expected to see at least some sort of decreased size and if I'm honest it's quite...disheartening knowing that the one thing I really want to change hasn't one bit.

I'm 25, 180cm and 66kg/141lbs. I only eat 2600 calories a day and sometimes struggle to eat that much anyway. I've been able to add weight to the bar consistently, but now I've slowed down on a few exercises, which is probably down to me being very tired and not eating enough.

At the start of December I've swapped lifting weights to calisthenics as I've always wanted a training partner to push me and luckily my 2 good friends workout with me now at the local park, bar work and some weights. I find this much more suited to me as I've never really been interested in getting 'big' I've always just wanted to get rid of this lower belly fat and lastly the guys at the park have the perfect body physique, athletic very lean type of build which is exactly what I'm looking for.

On my off days I've been doing HIIT cardio ( only recently started )

Here are some pics to help you understand.

(top left is my current)

( side )

Any help to fix a life long goal would be seriously beneficial to me, thank you all.
@sweetpea2374 Abs are made in the kitchen. Look at the quality of your calories as well as the number. I actually had luck cutting belly fat when I cut out caffeine. Studies have shown that caffeine can increase cortisol which is linked to higher belly fat.
@sweetpea2374 OK, so just cause you train doesn't mean your fat will automatically go away. There's two main diet types within bodybuilding, a cut and a bulk. Bulk you eat surplus calories and gain more muscle, but also gain some fat too. A cut is where you eat less and lose mostly fat but some muscle as well. If you wanna lose the fat go on a cut or if you wanna get bigger then have a bulk.