@peinopela Since the mass routine is quite complicated with multiple different warmups for different days, plus mobility and handstand routine plus multiple other routines that are only linked as videos I've written it all together into one spreadsheet so you can just make checkmarks.
@angel1412 I understand what you mean but if I included all the progressions for all the different movements of each movement pattern this could've been hundreds of page long haha. I did try to link to tutorials through the exercises where possible. It's up to you to fill in the blanks, enjoy
@angel1412 A table would be great as it would make it easy to build an individualized routine. I would be really interested in this for the skill and mass programs.
@peinopela Awesome post! Will have to try your it/mix it up with my workouts. It's very structured, where mine isn't and it should help me make mine more structured
This is off topic, but I saw your show reel and keep up the good work! I'm around your level of fitness and currently am accomplishing similar/same exercises you are, so I know it can be rough with certain things and I hope you keep progressing!
@dawn16 It is certainly a little structured. From my experience it's the only way to ensure progression but there is a lot to be said for intuitive training. Good stuff man, it certainly is. Being 191cm and heavy isn't helping either ;(
@peinopela I'm going with the beginners program. I used to be in great shape, but once I graduated school I picked up bad habits. I think it'll work perfectly in getting back into things!
@curlyclare if you combo the 2 together then you could get it done in 1 hour but likely will take a little longer. It's a good way to combo the sessions
@peinopela Downloaded your program. I am not gonna read/try it right away because I just started a program 2 weeks ago that I created based on OG2 but I wanted to say I really appreciate that you created a 'skill development' oriented routine (along with the other two) as that's my main goal with BWF.