Jeff Nippard’s New Exercises

@laura02375 You asked me how I would look next to him: I would look shorter and fuller than him.

If you think so, by all means follow his advice. But I would be rather upset if I switched bodies with him
@alexandria281 His advice focuses on using exercises that have a deep stretch rather than limited stretch; he states over and over again lengthened partials are marginal improvements and not necessary (he states 5% at best.)

I.e. he gives exercises and gives a better example
- for hamstrings he says substitute deadlifts with RDLs or good mornings
- for chest he says try dumbells instead of barbell, and if using barbell use incline instead for deeper stretches on all heads
- for biceps, substitute standing curls for seated decline curls
- for back, substitute lat prayers with lat pull downs or dumbell pull overs

Etc etc
@laura02375 Even if his exercise selection advice was 100 percent spot on, he lacks practical expertise in other areas of programming.

As I said before - he is unbalanced. Large legs and back but lackluster "show" muscles. His frame is great which helps him a bit but his overall musculature in several areas is lacking.

Yet, he feels knowledgeable enough to criticize other naturals and their methodologies who are more advanced than him.
@ray0174 Lying moto row is nothing new, but I don't like it.

Half reps of smith squat is something that is just too advanced for me. I don't need it. That other one is goofy.
@ray0174 I bought the first “Pure Bodybuilding” program from Jeff recently and it has a LOT of these “different” kind of exercises, many of them I had never seen before. I gave them a go since god knows after 20+ years of lifting some variety was appreciated. Some of them were good but others just felt like they were no better, or worse, than their “normal” alternatives.

I still really like how he laid the program out and I’ve continued to run it, I just sub in more traditional exercises now and my second go through it.
@ray0174 Saw some of this stuff and I'm not exactly a fan... I think a lot of these influencers have gone off the trails lately with the exercise selection, form and everything.

At some point I tried to be "optimal" and kept searching for better exercises but honestly speaking what I should've just taken from these studies was that rep ranges don't matter, half reps at the bottom are as good or better than full rom and when it comes to form it doesn't matter much either.
Just be consistent
@ray0174 90% of bodybuilding content is aimed at Beginners as they are the largest audience consuming fitness content online. The flashier and cooler more obscure stuff sells, and the 1-3 year lifters will make up the largest % of sales on his books.

not to say the first two exercises are pretty decent tbf.
@ray0174 Jeff frequently recommends bs. He's perfect for beginners that's about it. I remember about a month ago he posted some study supporting 50 sets per MUSCLE per week as optimal volume. Unfortunately any intermediate or advanced lifter has no use for Jeff's videos.
@christinaf He didn’t actually. He was responding to a study that showed 50 sets for a single muscle group did yield better hypertrophy, but also mentioned that in this study that was the only muscle the participate training.

Dr.Mike at RP further expanded on this, making sure to mention that when doing a program that hits the total body, the total systemic fatigue would make it detrimental to try to do that many sets for every muscle group.
@ray0174 I’ve been doing lat raises like that intuitively for a long time already. Just in front tho I don’t go behind. It lets you really hoist and I like to pause at the top and fight it back down
@ray0174 If Revival Fitness gets a hold of this, I suspect he will make a video making fun of these movements.

Personally I prefer just doing DB Lateral Raises (I like to do Machine Lateral Raises on B to mix it up), Leg Press and Lat Pulldowns. Doing Pulldowns with one-arm I can see being useful if you have a muscle imbalance. But you don't have to do them Spiderman style. If you're really worried about cheating on DB Lateral Raises, expand your rep range before rushing to go up 5lbs in dumbbells and cheat repping the shit out of them. You don't have to advance if you hit 12, 16 or even 20 clean reps just because the person who wrote your program says to. Did your programmer write that program specifically for you? Most likely no. It's perfectly acceptable to add just one rep week-to-week to Lateral Raises and you're not a failure if you can't manage to do that every week. As a beginner, yes you can progress faster than that.
@ray0174 I don’t fit on benches like that.

I like doing 1.5 rep hack squats where you tack on a second lower part to each movement, so it’s like that.

If you want to get a good workout face down on the floor, just play nightcrawlers.