Just for fun: what’s everyone’s favorite fitness/health “fact” that’s been debunked?

@csh97 I agree that it’s totally okay and often is belly fat, but roughly 80% of women have uterine fibroids (not to mention endo and aedno). The result of my fibroids is that I have a uterus the size of a six month pregnancy. I can feel/see the largest one protruding from my lower abdomen, so my uterus definitely sticks out and so do many other women’s.
@jamsie Ok but a nice sauna does feel amazing! My next house will be large enough to accommodate one of those saunas you can get for like $10-12k. Not cheap but I live in Alaska and warming your body in the middle of winter is so healing and soothing.
@jamsie I'm going to be a bit of an outlier on this one... With my eczema, certain foods cause a lot of rashes. When I work out when I'm a flare, I do get a full body rash and then much more calm skin within a couple of days instead of 7-8 days if I don't work out/sweat.

Am I just helping it metabolize differently? I honestly thought the sweat was helping move the things I'm personally sensitive to, out.
@sashak I'm with you there - I have hidradenitis that is triggered by yeast and dairy.

I don't know what the mechanism is, but eating those foods has a direct effect on my skin health and will cause terrible flare-ups. So in some way, the sweat glands and the "toxins" are connected.
@youshaa I love @foodsciencebabe on Instagram for debunking a lot of fear mongering ideals we’ve become so accustomed to. I’ve definitely fallen victim for much of my 20s and still am trying to undo that conditioning as I am in my mid-30s now. I’m linking some clips and hope you find them helpful!


@notaperfectchristian That “1200 calories is equivalent to what a toddler eats, an adult eating that would be starving themself!”

It’s almost like toddlers are small people rapidly growing, and ideally someone eating 1200 is a small person trying to be smaller. Ofc non-petite / lightly-active+ people try 1200 and it does not turn out well for them. But a 1200 calories a day weight loss plan was never intended for those kinds of people.

The vast majority of people cannot sustain healthy weight lost at 1200 — hell, I’m 5’0” on a good day, and it’s too low for me (granted, I am active). And I don’t think any teenagers should be eating that low at all. But for someone like a sedentary 65 year old who is 5’0”, 1200 might be the margin they need to shed pounds. But don’t tell that to the people who are online toddler nutritionists.
@car56sad Someone the other day said toddlers were on a permanent bulk, and I still haven’t stopped lol-ing.

Teenagers need a ridiculous amount of calories - something like 2500-3500 depending on gender and activity level; anyone with a teenage boy can explain what trash cans they are.
@car56sad Amen! Like just add some exercise and you can eat good deal more and still be in a deficit. Sometimes I see those "what I eat in a day" posts on the 1200isplenty sub and it makes me want to cry! Like two slices of ham for dinner and eggs in your oatmeal? I'd rather die.
@jaz2001 This one always upset me. In junior high i remember this poster with the various body types on it in our gym locker room! We were 12-13, even those of us with boobs hardly had a defined shape yet. And I distinctly remember one shape was considered the desired body shape. That shit was straight up harmful to young teens in the late 80s/early 90s.