Kettlebells and longevity


New member
I was listening to Tim Ferriss' podcast with Peter Attia, who is very much into longevity, and he was talking about several matters that have connections to Pavel's and Dan John's work and kettlebells.
  • How intra-abdominal pressure actually can lengthen the spine (or fight compression), which is excellent when lifting (and what Pavel has been about with "breath behind the shield"and bracing).
  • Training for late age. How he looked into what he would want to be able to do as a 100 year old, which included getting off the floor (and playing with grand-grand-children), to catching a running toddler and lifting them up (goblet squat), to being able to put your bag in the overhead locker (shoulder stability). Dan has talked about training for middle age and beyond.
  • Zone 2 training to grow more mitochondria, a.k.a. alactic, antiglycotic, Q&D, kind of training. Zone 2 isn't anything new, but I suppose it is often done as straight up aerobic training without peaks like 10 KB swings + rest might do.
None of this unfortunately looks sexy on Instagram. :p
@juancarlos Good post.

I've unfollowed nearly all KB/fitness related people on IG. All these KB flows and stuff look super cool and undoubtedly are fun if you need motivation to exercise, but at the end of the day, "boring" stuff done consistently over time with thoughtful planning wins, imho.

And it's mentally way harder to do that stuff day in and day out (like S&S -- it's basically the same thing over and over again) than it is to "Check out my full body finisher of [random ass movements without any explanation or planned progression and I can't really tell you what you're training for but it makes a cool IG video poorly shot by my cameraman using a gimbal and hey look I'm shredded because my job is to literally work out all day and sell you ill-thought programming and shorts]."

So yes, totally agreed here. Boring, consistent, well-thought out -- and it works. It also helps develop discipline because you don't need fancy moves or flows to keep you motivated. Just shut up and do the work. If you can develop that muscle you will no doubt be able to work out like this for your entire life.
@hoanphamkhong1 Flows are the least pavel thing you can do with a bell.

Didn’t he say part of the KB’s beauty is that you can improve yourself “without the dishonor of aerobics”
@juancarlos I think it is good to mention it since KB flows are super trendy right now, and even people like Kettlebell Kings are promoting it via their account (they make great KBs and I am sure the flowy shit sells more stuff for them).

Relatively speaking, not enough people talk about using KBs for longevity and pre-hab, everyone's (on social media, at least) focused on flippy shit and rotational clean/lunge/presses.
@hoanphamkhong1 Flows are such a waste other than coordination, circus and Instagram. Most people arent even,proficient at the basics and the flow/juggle covers up the shitty fundamentals.,
@rabbie77 The only guy whose flow/juggle stuff I can give any credibility to is Steve Cotter, because that dude has already proved to everyone that he knows exactly wtf is up and embodies (again, imho) what OP is talking about.