L Sits are getting hard as F


New member
Anyone else find that after a certain point L-Sits get incredibly taxing? I'm currently doing 3x~20sec Full L-sit holds and they honestly feel more strenuous then a 5x5 Deadlift session.

Maybe its my form?
See Pic
I prefer doing them on my fingertips because I want L sit->Handstand :)

Thanks BodyweightFitness.
@coelohim That's it! Something looked off in the picture but I could not figure out what and it seems that your shoulders are too high, almost shrugged. Definitely try palms on the floor.
@coelohim I find them to be one of the hardest too. When I first tried them on the floor I couldn't get my ass of the deck. Now I can just about do a minute in foot supported with shoulder depression? Giving me about four inches lift. I can also just about do a tucked hold for a few seconds. I can also make a bit more clearance by going up onto fingers but find this quite dangerous for me on hand tendons which don't feel ready. I'd be careful and try flat palms if I were you mate, concentrate on getting ass off floor using shoulder depression? The videos Antranik has are brilliant IMHO
@coelohim If it makes you feel better, I started the beginner routine a week ago and can't even get my feet off the floor. I do find the L sit the hardest part of the suggested exercises.

I am unable to touch my toes, so feel that this is going to be hard progression for me. Worth it though!