@mom2brandy Hey. Sorry that happened to you. I’m not trying to be selfish or make it about me either, but I feel similarly to you.
It’s totally possible that you do look better with more weight on. I don’t think weight loss is necessarily a universal “glow up” for everyone. As long as you’re healthy, I truly do not think size or the number on the scale matters. It’s your body and your mind. If this is how you feel better, go for it.
I have been very skinny and quite fat. I didn’t like how I felt or looked very skinny or when I was more overweight. I’m still considered overweight, but I like how I look and feel a lot better even though I’m overweight. I have more muscle now, and I find that empowering. Technically I should lose more weight, but it’s not a priority. However, I do wish to be more careful with my food choices because I hope it’ll help my mental health.
I noticed when I was skinny, I had a lot of harassment. I hated it. It scared me. I didn’t feel safe. Then I gained weight and cut my hair short and no longer got harassed. It was freeing, but I also didn’t really being at my heaviest. I do not look forward to the harassment if I lose more weight, but I do think I guess I’ll just have to deal with it when it comes. I plan on investing in a taser or pepper spray or something and take a self defense course.
So in short you got this. I feel similarly so you’re not alone. Fuck the patriarchy.