M/34/5’7” Would joining CrossFit be too intense for someone who’s obese?


New member
Currently weighing in just under 300lbs and I’m considering joining a local CrossFit gym to help get myself back into shape but really for what I perceive to be a community aspect. But im concerned it might be too intense considering my size.

I’m not a complete newbie to working out as I used to powerlift in my early 20s (only did 2 meets), but over the past 4 years or so depression got the best of me and so I piled on the weight and completely isolated myself. Through therapy I feel like im in a place where I want to try and get my health in order, but over the past 6 months I haven’t been able to consistently go to the regular gym. My thought process is that maybe if I have a place where I get some social interaction it might make it more likely to stick to it? Also, having some sort of environment where I’m directed to the workouts might be helpful too since I feel like I’m mindlessly working out when I go to the gym by myself.

Idk just looking for some thoughts.
@christy01 I did CrossFit for a few years and saw a lot of people training in the box. People with all kinds of body's and fitness levels. It will not be too intense, since you are actually the one that chooses how intense to go. You decide what weights to pick, you decide how hard to go in a wod, ... With a good coach this will be easier and they can show you alternative movements for things you can not do, like pull ups.

Most boxes will have a try out session, on board lessons or an intake possibility. Just check it out and see if you like it. And get a green light from your doctor.
@christy01 The running would be challenging. Also the pull ups and burpees. I’d try rucking to make some of the body weight exercises easier. It depends if the coach can get you there and how much pain you can handle. Check with your doctor before starting.
@christy01 I recommend checking out the box and talking to the coach/coaches to get a feel of their style of coaching. Also, looking at the people in the classes might give you an idea of what to expect.

You should be able to scale everything to your level: you can do step ups on a small step instead of box jumps, ring rows instead of pull-ups, etc., and then move on to a 'harder' variation as you improve.

Another option would be to start at a different gym where they do lower impact workouts (my box has both, the CrossFit classes and other types of less intense classes), or get a personal trainer and do some individual sessions to get you started safely.

As others commenters have said, do check with your doctor first.

Good luck on your fitness journey!

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