Macro Calculation E-Book by K Mae Cags


New member
Hello. I have been following K Mae Cags on facebook for a while now and I had her calculate my macros about a month ago. Since staying on point with them I lost 5 lbs of fat (and admittedly a little bit of muscle - but my lifts have stayed the same) which is an amazing amount for me since my body weight has stayed in the same 7lb range since starting heavy lifting over a year ago. Her calculations for me were based on cutting - but in this e-book it also goes over bulking phases along with re-feed days and maintenance calculations.

With that said, she has released an e-book for purchase here so that you can calculate your own macros! It's $16 but totally worth it.

Also she has some great workout programs for sale on her site here for anyone looking for something to spice up their routines or looking for new ones to start.

I know I sound like a promoter, but really I'm just a fangirl looking to share amazing knowledge that has changed my life. I never paid attention to macros (mainly overall calories) until a month ago and it finally got me past my plateau - and now my energy in the gym has improved too!

Happy Monday, Everyone!
@revjca She is really great with responding to her messages so I can only say I understand why you would be supportive of sharing her business with others. She is a great person, no doubt. Her programs are all solid too. Congratulations on your recent success and don't stop!
@revjca Are you ever hungry on this program? I'm intrigued, but I can't survive on 1000-1200 calories in a day. Lots of cutting programs recommend eating that much on non workout days for me and it's really difficult
@mayolu I'm not anywhere near 1000-1200 calories a day. I eat 1600 on my cut! So, the only struggle is not eating as many carbs as I was used to and upping my fat intake a bit which took a few days of adjusting.