Macro check please!


New member
32f, 5’ 9” and I bounce between 165-170lbs. Looking to change body comp more so than I am caring about weight, but at my most lean I was 155lbs so I’m sure I could lose 5-10lbs and still be good. I counted macros back then so I am familiar with it but Unfortunately I have apparently forgotten a lot. I did several calculators to come up with an average and the one I ended up with has a rest day/active day breakdown which I liked the idea of (my workouts are about 1hr moderate to high intensity).

C - 212
P - 161
F - 71

C - 131
P - 161
F - 56

Does it seem as excessive to anyone else as it does to me? Maybe I’m just struggling with the concept of eating so much, I used to prep at 1400-1600 calories a day and while I don’t care much about if/how many lbs I lose, I for sure don’t want to gain any more either.
@katzlvr That seems high on carbs for wanting to lean out more. The active model looks good on fat and protein to me if you just get carbs down around 160 or less.
@katzlvr Macros don’t really matter beyond getting enough protein for muscle development and how the ratio of fats to carbs personally makes you feel, physically. The rest comes down to CICO.

Body composition is almost entirely dependent on the ratio of lean (muscle) mass to body fat - ie. your bodyfat percentage. Beyond the beginner stage of working out, it gets harder for your body to burn fat and build muscle at the same time. So you will mostly need to focus on one or the other, and try to stay at a calorie deficit or surplus depending on which. Otherwise you can eat at about maintenance and hope to recomp but it can be an extremely slow process and hard to measure progress.
@mahyrah I keep getting really lightheaded at the gym, so that’s why I’m going back to macros. I’ve eaten in deficit before and had plenty of energy so i think (hope) the macros are the difference.

The calculator I chose did have an option to lean towards fat loss, ”even”, or bulk and I chose even. Dumb of me to not realize that obviously meant maintenance which makes sense with these totals 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’ll recalculate for loss and try it for a few weeks and bump back up if that doesn’t feel great. Thanks!