@curtswill Haha! With a handful of PhDs in my family (and as a PhD dropout), you are the real Doctor :) and medical doctors like Vlad are usurpers of the title 😝
@curtswill Hey, /@jim_68 is a kettleballs regular and a neat dude :)

I call myself physician since that's what we're SUPPOSED to be called before physicians took over doctor and started wearing lab coats to derive more authority. We're the fake doctors, bb!
@curtswill And hey, if you have a problem with this rule please glance over at Rule #6 "Mods have the final word."

I appreciate this decision mods, will likely help remove some of the more annoying comments on folks' posts.
@curtswill Honestly. I feel this, some advice is just trash and some folks are just wanting to post their achievements and or ask for questions. No need for the negative Nancy's, there is always ways to tell someone something without being a dick.
@curtswill Good ruling. Is it acceptable to have legitimate concern for someone's technique? For example "you seem to be arching your back when you deadlift, be careful! Try "xyz" to prevent injury."

Not that I'm in a position to be giving such advice, just curious for the future.
@an8id I'm not a mod but I'd personally accept such criticism if they can provide any kind of evidence that what they are saying will actually reduce injury risk.
@an8id This is exactly why people should not opine from a place of feelings rather than facts.

If by "arching" you mean "rounding", NO, it's not inherently more risky to pull rounded.