Mod Post: The Ideal Gym


New member
Tell us what would be in there, how it would be set out, who could attend, what the rules would be and anything else that strikes your fancy. And, GO!
@acer621 My old gym with a huge open crossfit area. There was huge space between each piece of equipment. You didnt feel crowded.

Also a indoor Rockwall. However I was . Challenging autobelays so I dont have to rely on a partner
@acer621 A gym where cardio equipment is interspersed with free weights so that women don't feel intimidated by the weights areas i.e. just seeing only a bunch of guys in one room.
A specific and dedicated area for barbell hip thrusts.

A clear and visible no harassment policy and plenty of staff patrolling.
@acer621 Always feel like instead of just hiring PTs and cleaners Gyms should hire £7 an hour college/uni kids to be spotters. Make it clear they’re not to re rack weights for people but even the anxious gym loners should be allowed to try their 1RM without fear of making a fool of themselves
@acer621 -Stretching equipment like the hamstring and hip flexor machines. I've only seen it at a few gyms ever. Also pilates machines. Also stretching classes not just yoga. THEY ARE DIFFERENT!!

-Climbing wall with auto-belay.

-Sign up stations to find a gym buddy already at the gym with similar needs (spotting, tennis, whatever). They get pinged if you have a match.

-Dance classes for men. I'm so sick of dance dying because men don't take part in classes and the lack of pipeline into real dance studios/clubs.

-Gym staff that will spot you instead of just standing around and selling PT.

-Sport specific classes. I'm so sick of gym being divorced from sport. Gym should be to support sports. No one needs to be the best at conditioning for conditioning sake. Advertising for sports teams, dance classes, climbing holidays, hiking holidays etc.

-Gym therapy: sign up with a psychologist that can help you with why you're struggling to go to the gym not just what to do there.

-Nutrition accountability groups, ideally with matching of buddies close to your height weight.

-VR spin/screens with interesting trippy content.
@acer621 Wow. I love the comments on this post!

My ideal gym would include:
- a pool with individual lanes that you could sign up for in advance
- tvs built into the cardio equipment so I wouldn't be forced to watch sports because the front desk staff member's friend just showed up and doesn't like the Food Network [I like hockey, but I find most sports boring to watch on TV]
- water stations in every corner of the gym instead of just one spot
- regular maintenance so that my favorite machine wouldn't be out of order for a month
@acer621 It would be the home gym that I currently have with a bit more room and upgrades. Currently have a nice squat rack, bar, plates, free weights and deadlift platform. I'd love room for a hyper machine, pull down machine, stationary bike (can fit as is now but I'd need to buy it). And a sauna wouldn't hurt.
@acer621 I can’t share any details because my husband and I literally daydream about it.

Our goal is to save up money and make a climbing gym with all the extras we want and need!!!! Hopefully in 15 years or so we can do it!
@acer621 I would definitely dig a women's only barbell gym, but I also would love something kind of like the karate dojo I trained at when I was younger. It was originally women only, and then added kids classes, so when the boys started growing up they decided they could stay for adults classes on certain days of the week. But the culture was so clearly about women and being a space of women's safety and comfort that only men who were really on board with that would join.

So maybe we're talking a barbell-focused gym with very femme and/or feminist branding/marketing/culture, with some set days or time slots being women-only. Mostly racks and platforms, some dumbbells and appropriate area to use them and a limited area of cable stuff, maybe a couple of other machines, a handful of row and some other cardio options. No TVs anywhere, but nicely set up holders for if you want to bring your own device and watch something. Oh, and a yoga-y space that is mostly available for stretching, foam rolling, etc. but a couple of times a week hosts a nice restorative yoga class.
@acer621 Multiple pools so you never have to share a lane. Rooms you can book that have everything you need to cycle through a lifting workout without having to work in/around other people. Good AC. A masseuse. Private steam room stalls.
@acer621 I’d like a gym that was really social and you could easily find a group to hang out with after your workout. I’ve moved to an area without many young professionals and I haven’t made any friends here. It’d be nice to meet people around my age with similar interests as me (aka working out).

Oh, and Oly Weightlifting classes/coaching because that seems really fun.