Mod Post: The Ideal Gym

@acer621 My ideal gym is a gym just for women! It’d be all clean and girly and could be a cool place for women of all ages to work out and not feel uncomfortable. It would offer all the things a normal gym would in terms of equipment, some turf areas or smaller rooms for personal working out (also lots of mirrors!) My dream gym would also have a small side business of smoothies and like a spa/salon inside or attached so you could pay for a gym membership/lashes/nails/facials/healthy food all at once haha. Literally sounds like heaven
@acer621 Weights section designed with super sets in mind. Equipment grouped in twos with set ups for exercises that work well as super sets.

Ample squat racks, deadlift setups, and hip thrust set ups.

Some sort of scan system where you scan your card or bracelet or something on the equipment, and it keeps track of what you use, weight used, reps, time, etc on an app for you. Notifications in said app based on trends it notices. When you should try and increase something, if your workouts are imbalanced in some way, if you’ve been showing up less, getting lazy or aren’t as dedicated as you once were.

Treadmills and other cardio equipment have the option of VR with beautiful or interesting scenery, or a monitor you can cast your phone to.

A “motivation zone” where you can walk over when you’re just not feeling it, and someone will consult with you about how you’re feeling, what your goals are, and encourages you with ideas and suggestions.

The locker rooms have have actual good quality toiletries. Micellar water wipes. Makeup remover. Facial cleanser in the shower, and body lotion & face moisturizer in the shower stall. Towel service. Good blow dryers, styling tools and hair products. Private posing or selfie area with mirrors.

I could probably think of a lot more but now I’m sleepy lol. This was a fun “think way too much about something before bed” topic though!
@acer621 There would always be a magically free barbell. It would be super clean. There would be no creeps. Everyone would get along and have some healthy competition, and we’d all cheer each other on. It would be an inspiring and aesthetically pleasing place too. Also there would never be any injuries... I think I may be asking for too much but isn’t that the point?
@acer621 oh god honestly my own home gym.
  • squat rack (with pull up bars at the top with neutral grips too)
  • deadlift platform
  • pulley system for cable work (leg curls/extensions, etc)
  • leg press
  • glute drive
@acer621 Among many of the other things already mentioned here... There would be ample bouldering space, and an area where you can top out and then dive into a pool. The yoga studio would also have SO MANY PLANTS you’d forget you were indoors and would think you were in the Amazon rainforest. And it would never be crowded or empty, always just the right amount of people around.
@acer621 Honestly, I’d love a good gym catered to obstacle course racing , but with half obstacles , and the other half a regular gym with enough squat racks that there’s always one free. Decent functional fitness area with actual range of kettlebells that don’t jump up by 10+lbs between sizes.
@acer621 I want a roller rink with a derby track and a speed track outlined. And a power rack with a bench. And a Peloton. And my home office so I can just skate a couple laps or grind out a couple reps between work stuff.
@acer621 Most importantly, my ideal functional fitness gym would be populated by other women who are very close to my skill and strength level so we can always compete and push each other to go all out and improve. And ideally I could find my significant other among them...

Also very clean, not too crowded but not too empty, super nice bathrooms and showers with towels provided, within walking distance of home, not crazy expensive, super knowledgable and motivating coaches.
@acer621 Loving this thread /@acer621! I’d want a gym in my basement that has two full dumbbell racks (so I don’t have to wait if my fiancé is using the same weights), an adjustable bench, a squat rack, and one of those pulley machines that is multi-sided so you can do like cable things, rows, pull-ups (in my ideal gym I’m also fantasizing that I can do pull-ups lol). I definitely want a pool, plus ample space to move around in so I could actually do tai chi (did it once in a cramped space and loved it except for running out of space). I’d also have a personal trainer so my fiancé and I could use them for things! Ooh and also a sick stereo set up so I can BUMP my music while I get my pump on 😂
@acer621 I'm loving the giant warehouse and ninja warrior ideas, came here to say that!

Otherwise my ideal gym would include equipment that has screens built in with a catalogue of exercises you can use it for and video demonstrations on how to do each exercise with proper form. They'd also have sensors built in to check your form, then give you cues and feedback to improve with a playback option to see yourself. It'd be great for safety and learning, PLUS you cut out all the middle men and terrible unsolicited advice.

Side note: you could search by muscle/movement/goal and it would give you variations to make the exercise easier or harder or accommodate for injuries. It could also calculate the ideal weight you should be using for the goal, intensity or number of reps you desire.

Futuristic I know, but I reckon it's not too far off!
@dawn16 Ooh, ooh, can there be options as to who gives you the advice on the screens? Can we recruit say, The Rock and Sara Sigmundsdottir to provide form cues and then tell you that you did well?

Oh, I LOVE this idea!
@acer621 Yass Queen! There can be options for celebrity trainers, athletes, celebrity voice overs, motivational montages, preset programs to play along with your faves. The possibilities are endless!
@acer621 Ngl I just want a basement with no one else. No creepy guys, no feeling judged, no worrying about tracking weights, no waiting for machines... It'd be great.