Morning workouts - prep, routine and everything else

@charlieparker I work from home so I have more time to play with but i usually wake up at 6:30 and spend about an hour in the gym which is 10 min drive away. I can’t really handle much food in my stomach during workouts so I usually have 2 somewhat leisurely cups of coffee with milk and 2 rice cakes beforehand and it gives me a little protein and some carbs, then I eat full breakfast when I get home. I usually just make breakfast but as a time saver i would recommend meal prepping your breakfast beforehand.
@charlieparker I only schedule cardio for mornings so that's my context, I lift on evenings, & on the days where I know I'll be exercising in the morning I change my routine.
  • I start remote work at 9.30am, so I get up at 7.45am which is 15 minutes earlier than I usually get up
  • for morning workouts I lay out my gear the night before and slip straight into that when I get out of bed
  • A light breakfast and a coffee while watching something. This is another thing that differs from usual routine, I usually have a big breakfast, but anything too rich doesn't sit in my stomach nicely when I have to exercise first thing so I have Weetabix and soy milk with some frozen berries. This is peaceful me time. I could make it quick but I don't want to
  • hit the treadmill for half an hour then hop in the shower quickly.
  • I'm at my desk for 9.30am with a couple of minutes to spare, at this point I will grab the second half of my breakfast, a protein yoghurt
I am not a morning person and never thought I'd be able to do cardio in the morning but I honestly feel it's easier than scheduling it at night now. I get it over with and it starts to energize me after a rough start.

The main things are figuring out how much extra time it adds to your routine. Consider how long you usually spend in the morning awake before work, and add on your workout time as well as any additional time it adds on. The way I did this was just to wake up an hour earlier the first time I did it and time how long it took me to get through my whole routine. The excess time left from that I used as an extra 15 minutes in bed and an extra 10 to chill with my coffee before starting my workout.

Because I work from home I don't apply makeup or spend long making myself presentable, that's another thing to factor in if you're a hair and beat face every day kinda gal!

The biggest piece of advice is to make it as easy as possible for yourself. Don't overthink it, but just figure out what you can prep in advance to make it easier on you. That might mean prepping breakfast the night before, pre-grinding your coffee, or setting out your workout equipment before you go to bed. In time you'll learn how to be the most efficient with your time
@charlieparker Get up. Put on workout clothes immediately. Drink coffee and stare into space for half an hour or so. Go to gym (10 minutes away) work out for an hour. Go home, shower, get ready, go to work. I start at 6 and have my work gear on by about 8:40. When my gym finishes renovations I will shower and change there.
@charlieparker I get up 3.5 hours before I have to clock in at work. I run to work, which typically takes less than 25 mins, but I also need to be about 10 minutes early because I need to change.

Assuming I get out of bed immediately, the first 40ish mins are cleaning self and all that jazz. Then about 30 where I putz around having coffee and getting everything ready. Then I do my morning workout which consists of dynamic stretching and light weight work for about an hour. Because I got everything ready, when I'm done, I dress immediately and run to work.

I'll offer the disclaimer that I would keep this time even without the workout as I am NOT a morning person and it takes me quite a bit to just get going with my day.

And because this is xxfitness, another disclaimer that I do not wear makeup or have to look "put together" in a professional sense for my job, so a lot of time is saved by not having to worry about that aspect of a morning routine.
@charlieparker I think it’s just the radical shift from having a life after work to having it before. Home workouts and working from home can help a lot in terms of not losing time on a commute (and for other long-haired people, not needing our hair to be completely dry after a shower) and eating a prepped meal during work hours can also shave off some time. But I don’t think it’s feasible to do a morning workout without waking up at least 2 hours before work start (and even then being very disciplined). If you’re driving to the gym, driving to work, and have kids, then it’d likely have to be waking up 4 hours before work start.

15 mins to wake up, bathroom, change, pre

60 mins for workout (10 mins warmup, 40 mins hard, 10 mins cool down) (+ X mins drive time)

30 mins to shower and change (+ 15 mins for basic hair/makeup)

15 mins to make/eat breakfast (+ 20 mins to feed pets and play/walk)
  • plan and prep. (Know what your workouts are for the week so you’re not skimming through/changing part way, get the workout ready on your laptop/phone/tv, have your workout clothes and work clothes laid out the night before, have any equipment ready, set the coffee maker, have your pre and post workout food ready.) Redundancy helps me here - I have enough exercise clothing to set out a week’s worth of outfits on top of my dresser, I have 3 hats in rotation now that it’s nice enough to workout outside, I have enough containers to meal prep for 5 days, etc.
  • set a timer for when you need to finish your workout. If your morning gets thrown off, do it at lunch or immediately after work or just fuggedaboudit.
  • obey the timer and alarm clock. I’m terrible at this, but having a workout buddy or signing up for a morning class gave me the pressure I needed to get moving first thing.
@charlieparker Meal prep lunches and dinners on the weekend.

The night before, I set out my clothes and protein powder.

-3:45 am: alarm goes off. Get up, brush teeth & wash face, put on clothes, drink protein shake (and maybe a banana on lift days), warmup (typically Bodyweight squats, leg kicks, glute raises, and “helicopter” arms)

-4:30 am: at the gym

-6:10 am: latest I leave the gym

-6:20ish to 7:40 am: shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, meditate, journal

-8 am: at work in an office

I’ve been doing this routine since January, but I had been getting up around 4:30/5 for a few months before then, so I was kinda used to getting up early. It sucked for maybe a week to get used to that. Now I feel like I’m in a groove. Once I swing my legs off the bed, I know I’ll at least show up at the gym.
@charlieparker There is always an urgency with morning workouts that I didn't have with evening workouts because I have to get to work at 9. Wake up at 6, chug down some matcha, feed the pets, shake off the groggy and get to the gym around 7. Workout till 8, get home by 8:20-8:30, quick shower and rush to get ready for working from home by 9. I usually have to skip washing my hair, breakfast, all those "that girl" things like meditation and journalling etc. And then I start crashing around 12 so I have to get some lunch into my body and often I'll make a strong tea and if work is busy I have to crack open an energy drink. Honestly I am not a fan of this routine.
@charlieparker I do Caroline’s workouts too. I work in an office and start at 8am. Here’s my mornin g:

Wake up at 5:20am drink pre workout.

Gather myself and then head downstairs to workout at 5:35a.

Warm up and start CGs workouts around 5:45a. I try to do her 30-45 min workouts instead of her hour ones.

Shower, walk the dog, out the door by 7:15 to get to work. I eat breakfast at work (meal prep on weekends) and eat around 10am.
@charlieparker The biggest problem I have encountered in morning workouts is feeling rushed, the worst outcome being that I feel stressed during my workout trying to beat the clock and then disappointed during the day, feeling like I didn't work out as hard as I wanted to.

The only solution to this for me is to get up with plenty of time to spare, to ensure my workout is complete by the time I would ordinarily get out of bed. It's easier said than done, and I don't sleep well when I know I have an early workout. But when it works I feel awesome for the rest of the day.

As others have said, putting out clothes and whatever else you need the night before helps. For me, arranging the things I need also functions as a mental commitment that I will actually get up and do the workout.
@krypty Oh I can 100% relate, I hate feeling stressed during a workout and then almost feeling 'regret' afterwards because I didn't go as hard or concentrated as I could.
@charlieparker Sundays - meal prep breakfast and lunch for week

Night before - set up coffee maker to start at 6am

5am - wake up, feed cats, use the restroom.

530 - work out for about 1.5hrs while watching the news, then coffee

7 - shower/dress, warm up breakfast on the stove

730 - eat and mess around on social media

8 - dishes and grab prepped lunch

830 - out the door to get to work by 9

I could probably get this done quicker but I don't like starting my day feeling frantic.
@charlieparker Alarm goes off at 4am, at the gym by 4:15am, I lift in an upper lower split four days a week and do light cardio and core the other two days. I’m home by 6, shower (wash and dry hair), breakfast (a bagel with cheese and egg) and coffee. Kids up and out the door to school by 8:15 and I’m at my desk by 9am (work is 10 min from home for me)

I also get my longest leg day (heavy belted squats and deadlifting) done at 5:30am on Sunday’s. Gym is dead. Helps set me up for the week and I can take my time :)

ETA: I lay out my clothes the night before. Build my water bottle with pre workout and pre set my coffee the day before. So it’s as little fucking around at 4am as possible.

I go to bed at 8:30 most nights.
@charlieparker I start work at 7 and have about a 45 min commute.

3:30 AM : Alarm goes off

4:00 : Out of Bed , get changed , quickly eat overnight oats

4:20: In the car

4:30 : Start Workout

6:00: finish workout , quick shower , change

7:00 : at my desk

Honestly, it’s just gonna suck for the first 2 weeks. Then you get used to it