Night vs Morning Workouts

@stuword I switched from afternoons to mornings and much prefer it, even though I think I can lift heavier in the afternoons. But in the mornings I always go, no matter what - it's somehow easier to make it part of my daily routine. And I eat quite a big carby breakfast of oats and fruits about 90 minutes before. I used to train on an empty stomach which was fine, really, but when I started eating a substantial breakfast I found I had a lot more energy.
@stuword May I present the after noon argument for people who work in the morning. I don't wanna get up at 2 am to workout before work but I get home around 2PM so I workout then(after sitting for a bit) and then eat dinner, wind down, and go to bed. It's perfect
@dhfjgjk56 I don’t work those hours however if I did, I 1000% support this argument, I couldn’t imagine getting up at 2am to workout. Your timeline sounds much more ideal
@stuword I don't love mornings, but it's about the only time that consistently works for me so I suck it up and do it, haha.

I drink a cold brew coffee with some creamer and almond milk on my drive to the gym. I can't eat right away in the morning as that makes me nauseous, and I am not willing to wake up 30 minutes earlier to give my stomach time to wake up. The almond milk and creamer give me just enough energy to get through an hour-long workout without getting the shakes.

You might also try taking your vitamins after your workout instead of at night. Sometimes those can cause nausea. I wouldn't think that taking it before bed would still cause a problem in the morning, but it wouldn't hurt to see.
@ypauli That is so interesting with the vitamins. I’ll try anything so I’ll definitely give it a shot! I feel you with the consistency though haha if it isn’t the same time every day, it’s so hard to get into a solid routine
@stuword I work out around 4/5 in the morning and found eating helps my stomach a lot. I usually eat a banana or even some toast with a peanut spread to help my stomach.
@stuword I just started doing early mornings about a month ago. I was always an after work gym person but now I love going at 6am and starting my day that way. Since I work from home 100% it gives me more of a routine too. Plus, less people (and the people there are actually serious and not goofing off).

I have been successful doing fasted workouts during this time period, which is new for me. I literally only have some water and my pre before I get to the gym and I personally feel great. But I’ve noticed you say in a couple comments you’ve been having a pb&j before your workouts. Pb gives me heartburn and would absolutely make me feel nauseous to eat before a workout. Maybe that’s having a negative effect on your tummy? Just something to consider!
@carrielyne I wfh too! It makes it a lot less stressful not having to scramble to get ready. I think that’s why I became used to a night time gym routine- because my previous job was in office.

I’m starting to see what you’re pointing out though; more serious crowd, a good routine, etc.

That’s a really good point with the pb! A few other people have said maybe pb is not the best before also, so I think you’re right, cutting it out may be the way to go.
@jaz2001 I still have to be online and near my laptop during the day, I would like to go in the middle of the day but I don’t think I would have enough time; driving there, back, doing the actual workout, having to shower, etc.
@stuword I block off personal time mid day. My gym is 1.3 miles away (I usually jog there in the summer), my workouts take about 40-50min, and I usually don’t bother showering until later in the day. I refuse to go on camera most of the time so I don’t really have to be presentable. I realize my situation is different from many people, of course.
@jaz2001 Ah mine is about a 20 minute drive- I think if it was closer, it would be much more feasible. My gym does have a workspace though, so on days with lighter work where I don’t need two monitors, I could probably just work from there for a little and fit it in somehow. Midday workouts are so ideal
@jaz2001 FAIR haha gyms are at least a 10 to 15 minute drive regardless so my logic is “what’s an extra few minutes for a gym I’m obsessed with”
@stuword I’m at the gym at 4:45am-ish and all I can ingest that early is a lot of cream in my coffee. (I like a little coffee with my cream and sugar lol). There are 5 of us who are there consistently. Even the New Year resolution folks don’t workout that early smh. I love it because I don’t have to wait for anything and I don’t want to talk to anybody.
@sanderson Much respect to you for getting there that early! I’m not there as early as you but I have noticed the morning crowd is much more consistent, the night crowd is much larger, fluctuates more, and has a lot more high schoolers in it so it’s nice being in a quieter gym.
@stuword I love the morning, it's just easy as there's little in life that can get in the way - it's not like people want to meet for coffee at 6am haha. I can also go on the way to work, whereas if I go in the evening it's a whole separate trip out of the house to coerce myself into.

I found the longer I've worked out in the mornings the better I felt with it, I guess my body/mind got used to it. That and I make sure to get food in first, about 25 mins before my workout - I have a banana, a few gummy sweets and some strawberry soy milk. That seems to be a good combo for me.