Night vs Morning Workouts

@stuword I see... I would think that would suffice. Maybe drop the PB, sometimes ill-timed fatty foods make me nauseous. I personally love a banana pre-workout and usually pair it with some simple carbs, crackers or a rice cake.

Are you doing any hydration beforehand? And are you staying hydrated in general? We all wake up a little dehydrated, so perhaps that is contributing to your symptoms.
@obembe Hydration is definitely something I’ve been trying to be more mindful of, I know I can be better at it just overall in my life. A lot of people have been saying drop the PB, I like the idea of swapping that for a banana and some more carbs for sure
@stuword Definitely. I think sometimes people hear protein shakes should be consumed around workouts but carbs are what your body can really use. I'm not a nutritionist but I do have a medical background and the way I understand it is that muscle cells are receptive to taking in sugars during and right after a workout but you can eat proteins at any time without it making much of an impact in your performance and recovery.

So carbs right before, during or right after a workout are great fuel and make recovery easier, since your muscles have a little extra energy available after the workout from the carbs. Personally I need a little extra and a banana plus peanut butter is the perfect pre-workout snack.
@stuword I find a banana is easy to put down when I'm not really hungry yet.... but also doesn't "weigh me down" if I have to eat immediately before a workout. And there is proof in its nutrient profile that it is an excellent pre-workout snack, great mix of carbs and fiber plus potassium for some electrolytes.

Yea, track your hydration.... I know if I'm dehydrated I get the dizzy/nauseous/lightheaded symptom you describe.
@gingerjeremy This makes a lot of sense, I eat a PB&J sandwich on the way to the gym, I’m thinking maybe wake up a bit earlier and eat while I’m getting ready to give my body more time to figure itself out lol
@stuword Eat something small in the morning. I’ve been an evening person but when I did mornings I grabbed a banana or granola bar on my way out.
@stuword A small carby breakfast beforehand + Gatorade instead of water significantly helped my lightheadedness when I worked out in the early morning. I also found that it just subsided over time (a few weeks to a month iirc).
@stuword I have colitis, find that those boxes of individual packets of Pedialyte easier to keep on hand for gym seasons than a plastic bottle of Gatorade. You just drop the powder in your bottle and fill.
@stuword The peanut butter might be too slow digesting to eat so close to training. Could you try just a jam sandwich? I train at 4am and just roll out of bed and go. My workout drink is a mix of staminade and dextrose to get plenty of fast digesting carbs. I feel a lot better training with that on board rather than training fasted first thing in the morning.
@momma2hunterbear Me too. I run within 15 min of finishing breakfast. Breakfast is all fast simple carbs and coffee. Like toast with jam or a banana. Second breakfast (post run) is almost all protein, complex carbs, and some fat.