Night vs Morning Workouts

@dawn16 Oh, I'm very much a morning person and always have been! I feel like that's the honest answer lots of morning people either don't realise about themselves or just refuse to give because they feel superior haha
@rdj2008 That is such a good point! Getting it done with first thing in the morning, and it is nice having time for other things in the evenings now.

The gummies is a great idea. I used to do Rice Krispies.
@stuword I workout at night and it’s a struggle sometimes, bc I go after work, but it’s less crowded than mornings. If my schedule allowed, I would go around 1pm. The one time I went at that time wasn’t bad. It wasn’t as packed and you did have older people doing a lot of standing around talking But the machines were open and people were on the treadmills mostly. And most importantly, I didn’t feel tired, like I do at night or early mornings.
@levismom Yes you’re so right, 1:00pm is such an ideal time to go. The after work time can be good and bad because you could potentially be tired from work but also it’s kind of a nice way to finish up a day.
@stuword Rice cakes. Something high on the glycemic index.

Little to no fats or fibres.

You want that food sugar in your bloodstream asap.

(Current schedule is that I workout 4x per week in the gym, and two of those are double days where I split a 5-530am (1-1.5hrs) session and do a 530pm session (2hrs) same day in the eve.
@stuword I am an early morning work out person. The crowd is different, lots more older people and a more chill environment. When I work out at night, I often have to wait for equipment and there is much more socializing going on.
@hairballfred This is the exact same thing I noticed! I think people have to use their time more wisely in the morning whereas the night crowd is enjoying the end of the day. You’re so right too, it having to wait for equipment is another bonus
@stuword You just need to eat something before you go. I go at 6am and I usually have a protein smoothie around 5am. Nothing solid for me or I’d need a lot more time than that before I can workout (plus they taste like a treat lol).

Usually some protein powder (mine is unsweetened and unflavored), some fruit (banana, or a small pear, or whatever is in season, frozen strawberries and cranberries), almond milk and sometimes almond butter. I reserve bananas for the days I know my workout is going to be extra taxing, and sometimes replace the almond milk with oat milk for more carbs.
@fkjg I’ve been doing a PB&J sandwich before, I have IBS so if I had a protein smoothie before the gym, I would be SO bloated during my workout. I make a huge protein smoothie when I get back though
@stuword Ugh IBS sucks, I’m sorry. Whatever works for you, tbh. Best is some carbs and some protein. Can be in any form as long as it helps power your workout without making you feel like crap :)

Most common choices are bananas, oats, toast, some sort of nut butter, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, or eggs.
@stuword I actually find that working out fasted irritates my stomach less than trying to cram in a snack before a morning workout. The trick, though, is that this only works if I eat enough the day before. That means getting lots of protein and making sure to eat a large dinner. If I don't eat enough or get enough protein, that's when morning workouts the next day start to feel a little off.
@3woes Yes, only if I eat a good dinner the night before, I can give it my all in the morning session the next day.

But, I can't exercise on an empty stomach at all. So, I do like to have a banana before exercising and it works out pretty well for me.
@3woes This makes a ton of sense. When I first switched to mornings, forcing myself to eat at 6:30/7:00am was really difficult. Going to try eating a larger dinner the night before.
@stuword Can you at least eat a banana and a couple crackers/piece of toast beforehand? I don't know if eating a larger dinner will fix the issue.