Morning workouts - prep, routine and everything else

@charlieparker I'm a really slow starter in the mornings. I get up at 7, have a couple of coffees and setup my home gym, workout at 8 for an hour, then at 9 I shower, dry my hair, get dressed and then more coffee. I don't usually have breakfast. I'm ready to work at 10.

I could totally knock off at least 30 minutes, but I like my slow start.
@charlieparker Here’s my advice: if your workouts don’t require a bra then you can workout in your pjs and remove that step. Get the video set up, get your water and start immediately. This doesn’t require a routine just don’t press snooze and move quickly
@charlieparker I wake up between 6-615 and usually make it out the door by 6:30 for the gym. I do a 30-60 min workout depending on the day and usually am home between 7:30-7:45 at the latest (gym is very close by!). I take my dog for a 25-40 min walk, take a quick shower and log on for work from home by 9. Once a week I go into the office and leave by 8:30-8:45.

To make it easier, I lay out my workout clothes the night before and usually design my workout the night before as well so I don't have to make a decision in the morning. Many days I have a protein smoothie for breakfast when I get back from the gym and dog walk.
@charlieparker Up at 5, half an hour of a coffee and a yogurt or other quick small breakfast, drag my running gear on and 30/45 min run. 10 minutes gasping at home and checking my metrics then 20 min shower and get dressed. Then I do the dishwasher, grab my lunch salad and head off to work for 7 to 7.30 depending on how long the run was.
@charlieparker I've heard a tip that you should set your alarm 10-15 minutes earlier every day so that you can slowly adjust to the new routine. I like to brush my teeth and wash my face with cold water right after I get up to really shock my body into waking up and then put my workout clothes right away. I usualy don't eat anything that early but once I finish my workout, I'll have some tea. Hope it helps!