Most important non-gym habits?


New member
Hey all,

I’ve been going to the gym 3 days a week now doing StrongLifts 5x5 since the first day of February (with some missed days due to sickness and a vacation). I definitely feel stronger, but I haven’t seen a lot of progress visually. Obviously I haven’t been at it for a super long time and progress is slow, but I haven’t really made any lifestyle changes outside of gym attendance. I’m not the least healthy person ever (don’t really drink much, don’t smoke, don’t keep soda/treats in the house, etc), but I’m definitely not crushing my nutrition either. My sleep hygiene isn’t great as I’m very much a night owl.

What should I prioritize in terms of my lifestyle outside of the gym? I’d say my main goal is general health and physique improvements (I’m 5’10” and ~160 lbs., but I don’t have much muscle definition). I know that I have lots of room for improvement, but I don’t want to overwhelm myself trying to form a bunch of new habits all at once.
@nilesetc It’s also something that I don’t think people consider enough when famous people get in shape. Like, they might be enhancing. But something they are for sure doing is having a schedule based around them always getting enough sleep. And people who can make sure they eat exactly right.

But honestly, the sleep more than anything. If I could get like 1 more hour of sleep per night, I feel like I could get in a lot more volume.
@omar If anyone is a moderate to heavy drinker they should take a month off and just see how different you look and feel.

I still drink but I do periodic alcohol free periods and it’s really made me reconsider whether I need booze at all in my life anymore. It’s a big change considering how much alcohol fuels so many social interactions but man…. I look fuckin gooooooood after 30-45 days
@khaos You can still partake in those social interactions too. NA beers are a thing. I gave up drinking, and didn’t completely give up going out on occasion either. Difference is I can always drive home, and I am never hungover. Usually leave a little earlier too.
@saccarabird Calm powder is a magnesium citrate powder that is really effective. Gives you solid sleep that’s non addictive and works every time. It also helps relax sore muscles. They make gummies now too
@superkid09 Yes!! Calm is leagues above the other brands imo. My OBGYN recommended it to help me sleep while pregnant and I tried a couple other mg supplements that were much more meh