My 10 Month Calisthenics journey!


New member
What's up everyone! I've want to share my new update on my Calisthenics transformation it's been around 4 months since I've last posted here!

Time period: 10 months

Training type : Calisthenics

Cardio : Running, Swimming, Cycling, Box, HIIT and some circuit training as well

Training schedule:

Calisthenics: 3-4 times a week

Cardio: 3-4 times a week

Weight lifting (mostly for legs): 2 times a week

Pretty much I've did something everyday but it was planned and structured so It doesn't interfere with my progress!

Progress I've made! Picture HERE [114kg/251lbs vs 94kg/207lbs]

In the first picture I've just started calisthenics and my heaviest weight was 114kg/251lbs. On average I was weighing 110kg. On the right picture (Second one) My weight is 94kg/207lbs. On average I weigh 95kg right now!

My transformation was not over since the last time I posted here! And the 4 extra months gave quite the difference! I will keep you guys updated and will see how far the calisthenics will take me!

I've increased my strength, endurance, cardio, and my blood pressure is now in normal range because of my weight loss, and my joints are thankful! My blood pressure used to be 170/85 which is bad... very bad even for my age! Now my blood pressure is 135/80 which is not perfect but It's a huge improvement and a lot healthier for my body! My joints are thanking me that I've lost all that unnecessary weight same with my heart!

My diet: Pretty much high protein diet 1.5grams of protein per each kg of body weight so when I weighed 100kg I would eat around 150gr of protein a day. My TDEE is around 2300kcal so If I didn't do cardio that day I would eat around 2000-2150 kcal, but If I did cardio then I would add some extra kcal for my body to help with growth and recovery! When you eat clean and check your protein other macros will kinda fall in their place so I didn't complicate things to much. I did have my complex carbs and healthy fats tho (omega 3,6,9)


Age: 26

Height: 1.89m/6'2 1/2 ft.

Weight: Before 114kg/250lbs Now 94kg/207lbs

Progress in strength and endurance:

Pull-ups: 2 to 21

Chin-ups: 5 to 16

Dips: 9 to 30

Pull overs: 1 to 10

Muscle-Ups: 0 to 3 (at the moment I am on journey to learn 5 strict muscle-ups)

I've learned archer push-ups

I've learned one arm push-ups

I've learned archer pull-ups

I've mastered pull-overs

I am lot more comfortable with L-sit

My previous background: Is lifting weights mostly power lifting style 3-5 min rest with 3-5 rep range and 3-4 sets of each muscle group It did help my with me weight loss cause I've already had quite the muscle mass so I was able to afford to sacrifice some of that mass! Even though I was very careful and had very slight calorie deficit 100-350

Hopefully this motivates someone and if you want to see more of me just type ElvisLifts on YouTube. If you have any questions feel free to ask me! I do have everything on video so these are not just random numbers every single thing I say has proof! My form is not perfect and I am very aware of that nobody has perfect form from the very beginning it takes time to develop good form and over the course of 10 months my form in all exercises has improved tremendously!
@dawn16 It was a specific split!

Let's say we start the week it's Monday

I would do Back+Biceps on Monday

Tuesday I would do legs+shoulders

Wednesday is chest+triceps

and then on Thursday I would hit back+biceps again so basically I've had 48-72h of rest between the muscle groups which is enough for me. So I've did all muscle groups twice a week and if I do cardio I add it after the workouts. Also take note I have full time job in which I also have to train so that may complicate everything a little bit but general idea that my program was like this!
@beerandjesus Could you kindly share how much time you allocated for the workout per day for each muscle group and rests in between sets and how many sets reps of an exercise in general depending on the hardness of the move.
Thanks a ton for sharing your story too..
@stageandgrace All muscle groups take pretty much the same time (1 hour 20 minutes - 2 hour 30 minutes at most)

I usually do warm-up sets and warm-up exercises before doing the working sets which usually are 3-5 and rep range depends on goal of the workout it could be 3-8 which I prefer the most but some workouts I go for endurance and then the reps increase to 12+

Rest is also dependent on goals. If you more cardio based workout then your rest should be small like 20-60seconds if you want to increase strength then your rest should be 2-3 minutes depending on your reps. You have to adjust based on goals and intention you have!

No problem man! Motivating someone is biggest motivation for myself as well!
@df80 For beginners I would suggest hitting muscle group only once a week.

So it would go like this:

Monday: Chest+Triceps

Tuesday: Recovery

Wednesday: Legs+Shoulders

Thursday: Recovery/or small cardio session with low intensity [walk, small run etc]

Friday: Back+Biceps

Saturday: Recovery

Sunday: Recovery/or small cardio session with low intensity [walk, small run etc]
@beerandjesus For people seeing this and think they can do it, I suggest to put your expectations realistically . This guy had some muscle and he trained before so he knew some thinks. Don't expect newbies to make this progress .
@jaakk I’ve actually seen a lot of newbies make drastic progress like this as well. Don’t think it’s okay to kill people’s ambitions because you’re trying to make people think “realistically”.