My four-year transformation - 4 weeks before the photo session (powerlifting/bodybuilding)

@chopper1690 Wow excellent improvements!!

May I ask, how did you break up your cardio during a cut? How did you balance doing cardio and weight training?

When you were eating more how much cardio did you do?

Your calories seem high for someone your size but doing cardio may off set this.
@mmntc I eat same calories/macro every day.

For me always is better keep calories high and do more strenght volume + cardio than eat less and exercise less.
@chopper1690 It's really nice to see someone on the older side post their progress. You started at 27?

Did you have prior training?

Did you do cardio all throughout the four years?
@dawn16 Some of my 3 weeks cycles


Bench press day

Bench Press 3/5/1

Bench Press 5x5 (80 %)

Weighted dips 4x8

One arm barbell row 5x8

Lat pulldown wide grip 4x12

Incline biceps curls 3x12 / Dirty 30's 3x30

Cable pec flys 3x12 / Cable rear delts flys 3x12

Cable lateral lateral raises 3x12

Deadlift day

Deadlift 3/5/1

Deadlift 5x3 (90 %) / 5x5 (80 %) / 5x3 (90 %)

RDLs 4x10

Hamstring curls 4x12

Horizontal leg press medium stance 5x12

Barbell shrugs 3 MAX


OHP 3/5/1

Paused bench press 5x10 65/70/75 %

Weighted pull ups 5x5

Db seal rows 4x12

Triceps pushdown straight bar 3x12

Single arm cable pushdown 3x25

Db hammer curls 4x10

Db pec flys 3x12 / Chest supported rear delts 3x12

Db lateral raises 3x12

SQ Day

Low bar squat 3/5/1

Low bar squat 5x3 (90 %) / 5x5 (80 %) / 5x3 (90 %)

SSB good mornings 4x10

Pull through wide stance 4x12

Incline leg press wide stance 5x10

Db shrugs 3 MAX

Incline bench press day

Incline bench press 3/5/1

Incline hammer chest press 5x10

Hammer rows 5x10

Lat pulldown V-Grip 4x10

Ez bar biceps curls 3x12 / Ez bar skull crushers 3x12

Pec dec flys 3x12 / Pec dec rear delts 3x12

Cable front delts 3x12

Lean away 15/12/10


BP Day

Bench press - 3/5/1

Incline db chest press - 5x12

Yates rows wide grip - 5x8

Kroc rows - 3x20-25

Hammer grip pull ups - 4 MAX

Ez bar spider curls - 3x12 -> Cable biceps curls - 2 max

Ez bar triceps skull crushers 3x12 -> banded triceps pushdown 2x50

Crucifix lateral raises - 3x12

Db incline pec flys - 3x15 + Facepulls - 3x15

Deadlift Day

Deadlift sumo - 3/5/1

Deadlift sumo touch and go - 5x8

Hip-Thrust /w band on kness - 4x12

Hamstring curls - 3x12

Ab wheel - 4 MAX


Seated OHP - 3/5/1

Db chest press - 5x10

Barbell seal rows wide grip - 5x10

Meadows rows - 3x12

Lat pulldown reverse grip - 4x10

Db biceps hammer curls - 3x12 -> Incline db biceps curls - 2 MAX

Db triceps extension - 3x12 -> Rope triceps pushdowns - 2 MAX

Db lateral raises - 3x12

Cable pec flys - 3x15 + Cable rear delts flys 3x15

Squat Day

Low bar squat - 3/5/1

SSB Squat - 5x8

Snatch grip RDL - 4x10

Single leg RDL /w kettlebell - 4 MAX

Standing cable crunch - 4 MAX

Incline BP Day

Incline barbell bench press - 3/5/1

Hammer chest press wide grip - 5x10

Seated hammer rows wide grip - 5x12

Staniding one arm cable rows - 3x15

Lat pulldown wide grip - 4x12

Db preacher curls - 3x12 -> Hammer preacher curls - 2 MAX

Cable overhead triceps extensions - 3x12 -> Dips - 2 MAX

Hammer lateral raises - 3x12

Hammer pec flys - 3x15 / Hammer rear delts - 3x15


BP day

Bench Press 3/5/1

Incline db press 5x10

DB rows 5x10

Lat pulldown reverse grip 3x12

Facepulls 5x15

Weighted dips 5x8

Ez bar biceps curls 5x12

Cable lateral delts 3x12

Incline chest db flys 5x12

Deadlift day

Deadlift sumo 3/5/1

SSB Squat 5x10

SSB Good Mornings 3x12

Leg press wide stance 4x12

Hamstring cruls 4x12

Iso hold suitcase deadlift 3 MAX

Floor press day

Floor press 3/5/1

Hammer chest press 5x10

Lat pulldown wide grip 5x12

Incline chest supported db rows 3x12

Trap 3 raises 5x15

Ez bar skull crushers 5x12

Db hammer biceps curls 5x8

Db lateral raises 3x12

Hammer chest flys 5x12

Squat day

Low bar squat 3/5/1

RDL 5x10

45 degree bench revers hypers 3xAMRAP

Kneeling leg curls 4x12

Seated hip abduction 4x20

Cable standing crunch 4 MAX

Incline press day

Incline bench press 3/5/1

Db chest press 5x10

Barbell seal rows 5x10

Cable pull overs 3x12

Db chest supported rear delts flys 5x15

Triceps pushdown 5x12

Hammer biceps curls 5x12

Crucifix lateral raises 3x12

Barbell push ups 5 MAX


Front Squat 50 reps

Hip-Thrust 50 reps

Meadows rows 5x10

Lat pulldovn V-Grip 5x10

High cable biceps pull 3x12

Rope triceps pushdowns 3x12

Cable chest flys 5 MAX

Band pull apart 5x20
@dawn16 He says in his post he does 5/3/1 Borinbt But Big, with some first set last and joker sets thrown in, with a bunch of accessories. Put some effort in and use google, instead of making this poor guy type out his complete routine. Not trying to be a dick but this kind of low effort shit drives me nuts.
@dawn16 As ripterd said - just read beyond 5/3/1 its simple book to understand that system

I just added a lot volume on back/hamstring/glutes and general upper body via large assists (like good mornings/rlds/barbell floor presses/dips/pull ups/hard barbell rows variations) and via small accessories like biceps curls, triceps pushdows or rear delts volume
@chopper1690 1.How your free and total testosterone looked when you: a) started training b) right now?
2.Could you recommend some good carb sources?

Amazing progress man, keep it up!
  1. A) Under range b) At range but at still lower/medium :(. My doc said i have probably problems with the pituitary gland. I have also high estrogen and SHGB
  2. Mostly oats and fruits i also like sweet potatos and dislike rice. All not processed food are fine