My partner (22F) really wants a bbl and I’m opposed due to known dangers. Is building a full rear realistic through bodybuilding?

@decibyte So she wants a fat weird ass sticking out of her body and looking disproportionate? When she gets older, it will start sagging and sliding down due to gravity, so she will have to lift it up with corrective underwear. Tell her to stop being lazy and do hip thrusts, glute kick-backs, deadlifts and this age it should not be that hard to find a motivation to exercise.
It also looks very strange when there is a sticking out butt and skinny legs with no presence of hamstrings and quads.
@decibyte A lot of it will depend on how consistent she is in workouts, diet and genetics. I wanted to grow bigger glutes and improve my hamstrings, but I've come to accept that it's just not in my genetics. I'm quad dominate, my quads will blowup super fast with very little effort, but my glutes are incredibly stubborn even after giving it my all for almost 2 years now.

I'm still content with my results, but I know I'm just not built to look like Lauralie Chapados, ashley kaltwasser or Erin Stern.

She can give it a go, tho. You never know until you try. Just be prepared to put in the work. And the calories lol I definitely struggled to eat that many calories during my bulk.
@harmony96 Hey I’ve heard that phrase before. Quad dominant. What exactly does that mean in the context of glute exercises?
Is it something like, in a scenario where you are doing a normally glute biased exercise, your anatomy is such that your quads actually do more work? If so, what causes that?
@decibyte Yeah, my quads like to take over and they seem to develop faster than the rest of my leg. I do glute focused moves, but I've hit a wall in their development. I lean forward more when I do bulgarian split squats and I do heavy hip thrusters, but my glutes are not anywhere close to catching up to my quads. My glutes developed nicely in the last 2 years, but not how I wanted them to.

I tried to add some warmup routines that'll improve my mind-muscle connection and that helped, but my quads are still bossy jerks lol they'll take over if I'm not really concentrating.
@decibyte Another thing to consider. An ass made in the gym is firm , has slight jiggle, and is noticeably more taut (lack of better word) in yoga pants.

A bbl is literally placing extra fat there. This introduces the possibility of calcite, lumpy dimpled flesh. It will also be flabby cheeks that are noticeably flabby in pants because we'll theyre fat not muscle.

Also from personal experience my wife has a squat butt and I felt another large fatty ass recently and my god I was not pleased with how squishy and flabby it was.

Bbl= easy way out for an unrealistically sized butt that feels and looks bad.

Gym= hard way to a great ass
@decibyte i've seen some skinny girls make really crazy transformations in their legs and butts. Naturally attained juicy booties look better than bbls in my opinion, not to mention they are healthier.
@decibyte Ya man. BBL surgery has the highest rates of stroke. Your transferring loose fat. Little chunks get in circulation. Boom dropping IQ points.

She's young and needs to work on self esteem, maturity, and realizing what her real goals are in life.
@decibyte Please advise her to reconsider. I live in a major city that is populated by women who build their bodies in the gym and women who had their bodies built by a surgeon. The pressure I felt to attain a specific figure (because I felt like I did not fit in with all the Instagram model types around here) was immense. It took me a year to get off social media, do research on BBLs, and reorient my idea of beauty. I chose to lift weights, and I'm so thankful I did not do the surgery.

First, it is a dangerous procedure that requires SO MUCH RECOVERY time. If she doesn't have many months to literally lie around on her tummy and then take it easy to allow those deep wounds to heal and graft correctly, she's doing her body a disservice. Second, if she is already thin, she has to gain enough fat for the surgeon to remove for grafting. Third, not all of that fat will take. Fourth, when she starts exercising again the fat loss occurs all over (her booty as well).

Her description of wanting to look "snatched" is best built in the gym and through clean eating. Those models on IG have perfect lighting and edit their waists into oblivion. She should look at different types of fit women, not just girls with huge butts and tiny waists. The ones who put in the work. For example, Katie Sonier or Massy Arias.

Edit: Spelled Massy's name wrong
@stan123 Oh trust me I definitely am against it and I tell her it’s not a great idea. I make sure to reaffirm that I love her body etc and also tell her it will be so much more gratifying if she builds what she wants through resistance training.
At the end of the day it is her body so short of my verbal dissent obviously I can’t actually stop her from doing what she wants. That being said, she is not that far gone down that route that she won’t listen. I’m just trying to gather resources, encouragement, transformation examples to motivate her towards this safer, more gratifying direction
@decibyte She is lucky to have your concern and support. In the end, it is her choice and she will do what makes her happy. Others have commented to look into Strong Curves by Bret Contreras. He is a great strength coach and I learned a lot about weightlifting and hypertrophy by reading his book Glute Lab. Wishing you both the best.
@decibyte I’m a woman, almost 44. I’ve been lifting weights, prioritizing protein/sleep/hydration etc for about 4 years now. Do I have a Nikki Minaj butt? No. But I have a butt that is strong and is lifted and round now. I love how lifting has transformed my body, even after two kids.

BBL is truly the wrong way to go. No guarantee on the end results and especially how it will “age” and it is a high risk procedure as well.

Well-developed glutes need to be supported by strong hamstrings, etc. That’s why most BBLs look foolish, just fat deposits sitting on skinny, underdeveloped thighs.

If your GF starts training hard and focusing on good nutrition and everything else, she can absolutely build an amazing butt, especially at her young age. And the good news is that working out, lifting especially, is so important for aging well and building strong bones.

Good luck to her!
@decibyte My girlfriends ass blew up with this program.

Day 1:
Hip thrust 3x10
Face pull 3x10
Pec deck fly 3x10
Cable rows 3x10
Walking Lunges 3x20

Dag 2:
Squats 3x10
Romanian DL 3x10
Face pull 3x10
Push ups 3x8

Dag 3:
Sumo DL 3x6
Shoulder press 3x12
Pull down 3x8
Abduction machine 3x16 + Adduction machine 3x8

The reps are targets, when you can do the ascribed reps increase the weight so you can't hit the reps anymore. And progress in reps until you reach the target again, repeat.

For push ups level 0 is doing excentric from the knees. Increase intensity by increasing internal counting on the way down, and focus a burst of effort just before you touch the ground. Then normal reps on the knees, and then excentric pushups from the feet, and finally normal push ups. At that point AMRAP until you hate pushups and graduate to bench.
@jim2564 I do. I’m in this sub for a reason. Just figured if I could gather resources, transformation examples etc, I could encourage her towards the gym and away from any procedure. She’s willing to hear me out
@decibyte She she willing to eat and squat + deadlift? I powerlifted for seven years and the amount of nice ass I saw everyday desensitized me to it 😅