My roommates keep calling me gym obsessed.

@kmar123 I’d just say discussing my fitness makes me feel quite awkward and I don’t want to discuss it again. If they’re reasonable people, they’ll just say sure and move on. Whether you do or don’t exercise too much, that’s up to you to assess.

Imagine if this was the reverse, some competitive bodybuilders poking fun at their sedentary roommate. People should feel comfortable in their own home...
@kmar123 It's all relative. I used to work at a place where my co-workers would look at me like I was crazy for saying I was going for a run after work. Like literally someone once said "...why?" Now I'm in the outdoor industry and I feel like a lazy person compared to a lot of the people I work with who are climbing mountains on every day off.

Just do you.
@kmar123 There's no overdoing it as long as you are mindful of your resting periods and recovery.

Honestly, I'd rather be addicted to the gym and go get a workout in if I have time than fucking do nothing but watch tv on a couch

Like why is going to the gym considered to be an addiction? Why is it even their problems? Sure, if working out had a negative impact on your life because you were doing it too much, if rest days caused severe anxiety, or if working out was a way to indulge in an eating disorder, then yes it's a problem.

I'm a gym freak, and if someone says I'm addicted, then I happily say yes.

I'd much rather be a gym freak than a couch potato.
@kmar123 Dude...if it's not interfering with your life or relationships or causing you distress like a compulsion's not an addiction. If it was playing video games 5-6 times a week, I doubt they'd say anything. They're probably just jealous of your discipline for a hobby they wish they had.
@kmar123 Based on your post, you sound like you've got a good handle on your workout regimen. If I'm being honest, it actually sounds like they're speaking more from a place of their own insecurities than anything else. I'm not saying that they're actively trying to be mean, but I think it's one of those things where they're trying to make themselves feel better by jokingly making fun of your dedication.
@hunor999 Not really! We’re just roommates, we do hang out when we’re all at home but nothing too crazy. they’re more friendly acquaintances than anything. I wanted to see it as them trying to make healthy banter, but the “serious addiction” comment still felt out of place.
@kmar123 Don't they realize you can workout AND sit on the couch on Friday? There's enough time to do both. If the gym was cutting out other things you enjoy sure, but it's not. It's not up to them to have an opinion let alone project it onto you.
@kmar123 They’re probably projecting their own insecurities/jealousy onto you. Same as when people like to nag people about eating healthy to make them feel better about their own eating habits
@kmar123 Maybe you work out during the hours when your roomies are hanging out? So your absence is felt more strongly? The schedule you describe sounds reasonable to me
@kmar123 Sorry you have to deal with this. Do you live in California? I feel like you probably don’t cus everyone (or many) here works out that amount so nobody bats an eye about it.
@kmar123 it's pretty much always jealousy, I mean maybe they are actulaly concerned it's too much but because it's pretty clearly not and you're ok with missing a day. They are jealous that they aren't that committed and trying to bring you closer to their level! I say this a lot with people sabotaging family's diets but to me it seems like the same thing!
@kmar123 I think it can sometimes tap in to people's own insecurities and they can project that on to you. Some people can often view exercising as something that isn't enjoyable and probably can't relate to it almost being a lifestyle choice, and the fact that a lot of people do enjoy it.
I've had a few remarks made to me about going to the gym. It's actually been from people who are a bit unhappy within themselves and projected on to me. It can come across as judgemental though and then it just feels easier to not even mention the gym.
Do your roommates do any exercise or are they active in general? It could just be that they can't relate at all. This can seem as though they're being judgemental though. It may be worth considering whether to just not mention the gym to them - if you can predict that comments will be made. It's probably not a shared interest so their response can feel negative and judgemental.
Do you think that they might exercise with you? Or do you prefer doing it alone? I actually prefer it alone myself as I can focus and it gives me a chance to think about things without being disturbed.
@kmar123 Sadly, some people who are out of shape like to make people who work out feel bad about having healthy habits. You do you, and maybe try to avoid hanging out with them and their negative energy